Super Jet my superjet wont turn left


Ill quit before i sit
so cal
I got my superjet done. I installed a pf racing handle pole. Its shorter then stock and now i cant turn left or not on a dime like i should. It turns right just fine but left i have to fully turn the bars all the way and it still wont till i lean left. Any ideas or edvice would help. Thanks


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Sounds like an adjustment issue, so with out actually seeing the ski it will be hard to offer advice. If you can't figure out the adjustment on your own you'll either have to take it to a shop or hook up with some local riders. Where exactly in Socal are you?


Ill quit before i sit
so cal
I llive in blythe ca 760 on the colorado river and i have adjusted it on ever hole and tread any setting i can think of


So long and thanks for all the fish
Disconnect the cable at the steering nozzle and turn the bars left/right. Does the cable go in/out like it should?

Did you fasten the cable to the handlepole under the chinpad properly? A shorter pole has nothing to do with steering throw as long as the cable is fastened at both end and it's the proper cable and not broken.
I got my superjet done. I installed a pf racing handle pole. Its shorter then stock and now i cant turn left or not on a dime like i should. It turns right just fine but left i have to fully turn the bars all the way and it still wont till i lean left. Any ideas or edvice would help. Thanks
Check if one of adjustment fittings did not slip from its bracket or its original position, if they are too low or off, your steering will be off, I had the same issue on my aftermarket handle-pole in my 750 sxi, no I have RN SJ now.
Those fittings have screws you can adjust, the tread tells you how much you can adjust your by turning.
There should be 2 screw one on the hand-pole and other should be by the nuzzle

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I would check your cable, particularly up around the waterbox. When you turn right, you are pulling on the cable, when you turn left, you are pushing it. If there are any spots corroded or rubbed thru the outer jacket, the inner cable can herniate out the side when pushed but work just fine when pulled.


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
I don't know anyone in the Blythe area to refer you too. Maybe someone else will chime in? This is how I adjust my steering on my 96 RN,

1. With the steering cable installed, bolted in on both top and bottom, (there is no adjustment on the cable itself) and with the cable disconnected at both the top and bottom, I center the cables throw so its equal -can be pushed in or pulled out an equal distance. This should be where the cable should sit when you're going straight.

2. Then set both your bars and your turn nozzle as if you were going straight.

3. Then without moving the cable, adjust the brass fittings on the cable ends until they match the ball joint connections.

You're done. If this doesn't fix the problem then you very well may have a cable problem like OCD Solutions suggested. BTW, You need at least 3/8 of cable threaded into each of the brass fittings, you shouldn't have to adjust them very far to obtain this.


Arlington TX
Superjett said what I was thinking. The cable housing might not be locked down to the pole, so when you steer one way the cable hooks and you turn. If you turn the opposite direction the jet flow holds the nozzle straight while the housing/jacket moves pushes along with the entire cable. Make sense?


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Is it possible that you installed a FX-1/08+RN handlepole? The cable mounting is different on them, compared to 96-07 SJ's.
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