My surfriding experience


'03 SJ
I have ridden in the surf only about four or five times. Rode last wknd in Surfside, Tx with Skinnyman and Shackleton and the waves were pretty big. Still no backflips or rolls for me, but I made it all the way out to the back set without exhausting myself which is a first.

I am starting to get more confidence on the waves and trying more to "surf." Its hard to describe the rush making a quick turn on a jetski on the lip of a 6 ft wave, I cant imagine flipping off one.

I had my first pearl, got completely mowed over by the wave and separated from my upside down sj (I tried to hang on). Two waves later and a little help from Shackleton and I was back at my ski. Flipped it over and hardly any water came out of the bilges. That was reassuring.

A couple of times I caught nice waves and was able to let go of the handlebars and surf for a few seconds. What a cool feeling.

I am beat up, sunburnt, and exhausted at work today but I still got a chit eating grin on my face.

Thanks for reading and thanks to the X. Especially those that contribute so much.
Thats awesome! My first time in the salt there were 10 foot surf and just getting past the 3-4 foot white wash alone was a challenge (I couldnt do it). It was the hardest thing I had ever done on a jetski. I fell in love with the challenge the first weekend out.

It is definately much harder than it looks but very rewarding conquering little feats every ride. Heres to perfect shaped waves and in the words of Andrew "the zen of surfriding"



Matakana Menace
Good stuff, keep in there....

There is nothing like watching a 6 foot wall of white water coming at you and wondering how the h3ll your going to get over it...



high on resin
san jose ca
nice! Surf riding is an art... I can throw rolls but can't surf ride for chit!deff one of the most exhausting things I've ever done! After riding surf lakes just aren't the same...


Sounds amazing!!! Need to find some new spots to ride as the surf here is hit and miss to say the least!!

Keep at it - nothing better than feeling wiped out after a days play!



Jus' keep er' pinned
Ketchikan Alaska
Ha right on buddy, the first time I rode surf was surf slam 2009, it was like 20+ footers out there and even the RC was in survival mode, I pretty much ran from everything and tried not to die, but what a sweet experience. Sounds like your hooked now! lakes will be the lamest thing in the world now.
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