My waveblaster after new paint

When i first got it, all original. bought it from a guy in maine who took good care of it. BEFORE..


and now this is what it looks like,turf wasnt on yet in the pic.. but it will be getting redone again for this upcoming season soon....


and a pic of me n my friends blasters, trailer is sold, in the process of making a trailer that holds 6 blasters, will post pics soon


St. Clair, MI
That ski is beautiful! I love how it looks in white and nice decals. Mine was solid black but would have liked white especially if it came out that nice. On second thought that looks like my old blaster in the pic on the trailer. Where did you get the black blaster from?
It was actully a 95 red one, drove to michigan for it.. was painted black after..and thanks yeh the white came out nicer then i expected, the decals is what brought it out, plain white didnt look good..


JM781 Big Bore
Really clean looking. And yeah, the Yami decal under the bondline is totally cool. Who did it for you.

If I rode that here, I'd get busted by the water cops because the reg numbers blend in too much with the hull color. I think it looks cool though.
the yamaha decals are out one of them cheap grahpic kits off ebay..i just used the decals out of it.. and yeh that trailer shouldt have 4 skis on it lol, it worked for a season though, we upgraded to a dual axle all steal trailer.. little fabrication to it n we'll b good..should hold 6 blasters
i cant wait for this season, and now to think we have more snow coming, wtf

by the way, are you sure that ski didnt come from Massachusetts?? :)
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