My wife ROCKS!

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Not that I know from personal experience, mind you, I'm just old chicky trying my feeble best :biggrin:. I just know that my hubby kept wrenching his neck on bad landings and I figure if he's wrenching his neck, he's likely impacting the water somehow.
I just know how many times I slammed down on my side before I got the hang of that stab (I never claimed to be the most athletically gifted individual :biggrin:). I was lucky I never ruptured an ear drum. My hearing is bad enough without that.

And I do come in handy to have around. I had my first aid kit out 3 times the weekend before last. :biggrin:

Funny thing is, she's only tried doing stabs a few times, but she's so small they over rotated and she pancaked. She only tried stabs a few times before saying screw it, and going to rolls.
Little wife + GroupK big bore and MSD total loss = over rotating everything. :brap:

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Hah! Good for her! I'm just too chicken about the whole, roll thing. I'm old and I'm afraid I'd break easily. :biggrin:

I know I just don't heal as quick as I used when I was a young'un, even from little bruises and such. I've still got an ankle that isn't right from a superman I tried several years ago (didn't get both feet back in the tray - ouch).
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