Other my x-metal steering plate keeps loosening up


I'm moved by DASA power!
I got it used, and it didnt come with instructions. I dont think I am retarded but right now im not so sure. Details: it is the shortened quick turn plate and x-metal bushing system. I assembled everything with locktite, and tightened it so there isnt very much slop or playin the plate, but after about an hour of riding the plate damn near will come off in your hands. What did I do wrong?


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
I don't think you're doing anything wrong, mine was doing the same thing. I ended up greasing it so it wouldn't "grab" and loosen.
the bushing system from x-metal was a mistake...(POS) I'm sure they wish they never made them... Hell i wish they didn't mine was Ok.
for a year then after that came loose even with new bushings. went to there bearing type plate and love it. Hope yours works out.. Good luck..


Creative RE Purchasing
don't know if it'll help for the bushing style system, but on my UMI bearing system with x-metal turn plate I made sure to clean the threads on the large studs very well before assembly. I used brake cleaner. And then used a brand new nylon nut with tons of red loctite

Its been well over 3 years and it has yet to come loose.
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2000 Superjet
Lake Norman, NC
Same exact problem here. Love some of the xmetal designs but it seems like every piece i have purchased from them has flaws. I greased my steering, blue locktite, and tighten it up pretty snug. But i still check it often to make sure it stays tight.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Same exact problem here. Love some of the xmetal designs but it seems like every piece i have purchased from them has flaws. I greased my steering, blue locktite, and tighten it up pretty snug. But i still check it often to make sure it stays tight.

There is part of your problem.

Mine has been installed since at May 2006 without coming loose. No Adjustments. Nothing.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
definitely red loctite.

also, give Pat a call - they came up with a different bushing design than the original. I had one of the original design bushings and kept having the same issue you are.

I told Pat about it at Daytona last year. He gave me the new bushing - installed it (with red loctite, again) and haven't had an issue since.


I had this issue with a wammer plate & umi bearings. Loc-tite didn't work for me. OCD Solutions showed me the following product. Have had no issue since.

NOTE: the set screw is not strong enough to tighten by itself. So put a vise-grip on it, then tighten.

Check Size too.


That didn't work right.....4th item. One piece threaded clamp-on.

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Liquid Insanity
Site Supporter
Vendor Account
New York Crew
Same thing happened to mine, but i insstalled a 1/4" longer SS bolt and double nutted the bottom. Used hte Xmatal bug nut as one, then a half height urethane lock nut below it. It works pretty well, but i'm going back to a bearing style very soon
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