N3vrsat1sfied's Tigercraft FVPRO


Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
TPE1200, 155 pump, Built by P&P
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Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
long story short, due to back problems I did not follow thru with the purchase of the new FVpro. I tried to only focus on racing this year but with new ownership of our series our motos doubled in length. Second event 3rd moto did me in. My bad shoulder that I've been having problems with for years said enough is enough and popped out on a left turn. Im still trying to solve the issue and work with the pain, been dealing with military docs and using personal health care coverage out in town. With the injury I decided to get out of racing and competing heal up, surf more, and just go back to riding for fun. I sent Tony payment for his personal FVpro and should receive it soon.
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Sorry to hear that, and twice as far sucks! Hope your healing goes good, sounds like a good plan. Had shoulder surgery myself in March... ski looks nice, looking forward to your build!


Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
Just saw folks on fb talking about a sunk wdk, figured I’d share how I set up my ski.

50’ of 550 cord (parachute cord), a key float, and a Velcro wrap. Can I recover the ski with this? no.
But from our experience in DFW the hardest part is finding it. So atleast with this I can quickly grab it and know where the ski is. Most of the spots we ride in our in 25’ of less if water. I also carry a spare 9” slalom buoy in the trailer that I can attach to this after the fact.


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