Ratti, is amazing.....he makes me sick he's so good
That dude from PA IMHO should have taken 2nd easily. He rode amazing, very smooth transitions, both aerial and complex work.
Jimmy through his first BR looking roll thing down
Lukter held the longest rodeo alive i think
Gil went at it with everything he had, went for the superman but didnt get the wave he wanted(i think)
It was a damn fun event.
Ya im from NC. I hoped on Gils boat and rode after Ratti(which sucked because it would be impossible to follow his run) and ate ******** on everything, tricks i land and do perfect everytime seemed impossible for some reason.. O well. I'll get em next year.
Gil, thanks bro for letting me borrow your boat too.:biggthumpup:
Ya know.....big props to Corey. This kid didnt ride nearly 2 weeks prior to nashville...rode my boat for 5 minutes, and rode Gils boat for nats....Both boats COMPLETELY diffrent from his. It takes guts to attempt