Nationals Freestyle Judging 2009

My thoughts on freestyle judging:

The only way to have judging where people don’t bitch about the judging is to have impartial judging. Don’t pick judges that are sponsors of the event, those that are sponsoring riders in the event, or have any ties to the event.

Essentially what I am saying is have people who have no clue what the sport is judge. Take 5 random people from the water park and have them judge the competition.

It’s not like we are judging figure skating in the Olympics and there is a set trick list that needs to be performed in order to have a qualifying run.

It’s all about the best overall show. If people are in it for the money then no one would be competing or racing and the sport would die

People do it because its fun and they enjoy it. Whether you do like jett does and travel to do shows with typhoon Tommy or go and compete the cash outlaid is still the same the only thing that varies is the crowd and paying an entry fee

I’ve been racing/competing for the last 8 years… I have a collection of trophies… honestly they don’t mean schit to me. It’s more about the experience and the friends I have made.


Huntsville, AL
Parr mentioned letting the competitors judge each other....almost makes sense since everyone is pretty honest in how they did and what they thought of the other competitors :dunno:

No matter what people are going to complain.

I say just go your best....and be happy with what you do! :cheer:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
My thoughts on freestyle judging:

The only way to have judging where people don’t bitch about the judging is to have impartial judging. Don’t pick judges that are sponsors of the event, those that are sponsoring riders in the event, or have any ties to the event.
Essentially what I am saying is have people who have no clue what the sport is judge. Take 5 random people from the water park and have them judge the competition.

It’s not like we are judging figure skating in the Olympics and there is a set trick list that needs to be performed in order to have a qualifying run.

It’s all about the best overall show. If people are in it for the money then no one would be competing or racing and the sport would die

People do it because its fun and they enjoy it. Whether you do like jett does and travel to do shows with typhoon Tommy or go and compete the cash outlaid is still the same the only thing that varies is the crowd and paying an entry fee

I’ve been racing/competing for the last 8 years… I have a collection of trophies… honestly they don’t mean schit to me. It’s more about the experience and the friends I have made.

Problem with picking judges at random is they are likely to score the guy who does nothing but Backflips and rolls (and not landing them clean) higher than the person who does not do them but does so much more and is more precise.

Judges need to be educated.

I agree with what EMM said. Competitors should judge each other. Yeah, you may get one or two who judge unfairly, but you take the highest and lowest scores and throw them out.

Rider 1

Judge 1 9.5
Judge 2 9.8
Judge 3 9.2
Judge 4 9.4
Judge 5 9.5

You take the 9.2 & the 9.8 and toss them aside.
Then you average the 3 remaining 9.57

Rider 2

Judge 1 9.6
Judge 2 9.8
Judge 3 9.1
Judge 4 9.6
Judge 5 9.3

Drop the 9.1 & 9.8
Avergae of the remaining 9.5

Rider 1 won but .07 points.

Judge 1 (rider 1) gave Rider 2 a low score of 9.1 on purpose
Judge 2 (rider 2 gave rider 1 a low score on purpose
Judge 3 (rider 3) is friends with rider 1 and gave him a 9.8 to "Help". (oh,

Judge 3's name is Gil and he could not complete a trick and Judges 1 & 2 scored him fairly and last.

This way, by dropping the hightest and lowest you even out any biased.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
What happens when you have 2-3 riders on the same team? What happens if one of said riders owns the team? There goes the fairness in the scoring. Good idea, but still not 100% fair. Untill the riders have to submit their routine, and get scored according to difficulty and completion of routine, the judging system will have some flaws. Untill then, train like hell and go big. Really big. (and spend lots of $$, too)


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Rider 1

Judge 1 9.5
Judge 2 9.8
Judge 3 9.2
Judge 4 9.4
Judge 5 9.5

You take the 9.2 & the 9.8 and toss them aside.
Then you average the 3 remaining 9.57

Rider 2

Judge 1 9.6
Judge 2 9.8
Judge 3 9.1
Judge 4 9.6
Judge 5 9.3

Drop the 9.1 & 9.8
Avergae of the remaining 9.5

Rider 1 won but .07 points.

Wrong, you failed math is what happened. Average for rider on after dropping the "high and low" scores is 9.47. (p.5+9.4+9.5)/3 = 9.47. Hence rider #2 won by 0.03 points.

With scores of 9.5, 9.4, and 9.5, the average can never be higher than the highest value or lower than the lowest value. The scale was 9.4 to 9.5, you said the average was 9.57.

Sorry to bust on you, I couldn't resist.

But I like Emm's and yours approach to this. Emm's is to have the competitors judge themselves. MTV put on some comps a long time ago with BMX, Skate Boarding, ect and they judged it this way. Where this fails is when you get 5 riders for ne team out of 8 competitors. Favoritism will always exist. Say you have 6 japanese guys out of 10 competitors at WF this year. You get the point.

Your approach seems logical, throw out the high and low scores. It bunches the remainding scores closer together. It gets rid of favortisim and unfavoritism from two judges.

I like the idea. Reminds me of college. I always said if I was a professor, I would give out like 8 tests a semester and drop the highest and two lowest. You get all 100's you don't have to worry about getting an A.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Wrong, you failed math is what happened. Average for rider on after dropping the "high and low" scores is 9.47. (p.5+9.4+9.5)/3 = 9.47. Hence rider #2 won by 0.03 points.

With scores of 9.5, 9.4, and 9.5, the average can never be higher than the highest value or lower than the lowest value. The scale was 9.4 to 9.5, you said the average was 9.57.

Sorry to bust on you, I couldn't resist.

But I like Emm's and yours approach to this. Emm's is to have the competitors judge themselves. MTV put on some comps a long time ago with BMX, Skate Boarding, ect and they judged it this way. Where this fails is when you get 5 riders for ne team out of 8 competitors. Favoritism will always exist. Say you have 6 japanese guys out of 10 competitors at WF this year. You get the point.

Your approach seems logical, throw out the high and low scores. It bunches the remainding scores closer together. It gets rid of favortisim and unfavoritism from two judges.

I like the idea. Reminds me of college. I always said if I was a professor, I would give out like 8 tests a semester and drop the highest and two lowest. You get all 100's you don't have to worry about getting an A.

Typo on my adding machine, working on a bid at the same time. But you get the picture. I believe in the competitors judging each other as well, that why you do the drops. You can do that with any judges as well.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
What happens when you have 2-3 riders on the same team? What happens if one of said riders owns the team? There goes the fairness in the scoring. Good idea, but still not 100% fair. Untill the riders have to submit their routine, and get scored according to difficulty and completion of routine, the judging system will have some flaws. Untill then, train like hell and go big. Really big. (and spend lots of $$, too)

That is why the high score and low score gets tossed.
Nothing is 100%


Ride for life
North NJ
Judging is always going to be questioned.
It's best to get 5 people that know about the sport.
Could be anyone as long as they've seen freestyle before.
Promoter's staff, racers, industry people, shop owners, fans all could be judges.
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