Need a quick lesson in x2 handling mods

We have a new region x2 class, it looks like its going to be very popular.

There are 3 rules :

1. 800cc limit any brand motor
2. stock hull, no mods, except sponsons. Tubbies not allowed
3. Stock exhaust outlet

Do any of the x2 gurus have any suggestions to help get better handling out of the stock hull? Ie rideplate, grate, sponson and sponson location, nozzles ETc?


Selling all X2 and 650 parts - message me!
We have a new region x2 class, it looks like its going to be very popular.

There are 3 rules :

1. 800cc limit any brand motor
2. stock hull, no mods, except sponsons. Tubbies not allowed
3. Stock exhaust outlet

Do any of the x2 gurus have any suggestions to help get better handling out of the stock hull? Ie rideplate, grate, sponson and sponson location, nozzles ETc?

Mods go in this order -
Ride Plate
Intake Grate
then onward in terms of engine mods, waterbox, etc.

The X2 does not have any sponsons, nor would any be installed that I am aware of - I may be wrong though. Stock hull is stock hull.

Indeed it sounds like fun. Prof
Sponsons are allowed, tubbies are not.

Mainly looking for agressive rideplate, grate, sponsons recommendations,. I figured there was some options out there but can't really find anything

Motor and pump mods already taken care of.



Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I personally like a Jet Dynamics ride plate and grate. They claim to have two different grates but I had both and couldn't tell much of a difference between the two.

I also liked the Ocean Pro finned plate. Of course both of these plates are more of a rec/racing setup which you will be doing.

One must have a is a quick steer. I didn't realize how much those things work unti lI broke a steering linkage rod and switched back to stock.

Also drilling your stock steering and bolting the tilt solid is a cheap mod over replacing the whole unit for a UMI or Accusteer. Wider bars help too.

I bolted up a set of TBM SXR Sponsons on my X2 but haven't run them yet. back in the day I ran some plastic ones which seemed to help.

You said the pump mods are done but you might try an 800 SXR pump swap. Others just use a 650 pump and modify a TBM or R&D stuffer/cone to fit the 650 pump. The 650 pump is very similar to the 750/800 pump. A lot of people use a SXR stock prop modified to fit in a 650 pump. Of course a little nozzle boring never hurts.

So what I really want to know is... did you put an 800 66e engine in it?


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Well there is also R&D, PJS, and Worx top loaders. West Coast made three style rail grates. Jet Sports made an OP winged ride plate copy.

I would stick with a top loader of some kind and a JD plate or winged plate. Maybe throw on a set of TBM sponsons. But really the steering and quick turn are a must.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
Do they let you shorten the hull? Really helps the nozzle throw to wack an inch or 2 off the back. Stock exhaust outlet is gonna be a PIA with a big motor setup. What waterbox setup were you thinking? I have had good luck with the jet dynamics intake grates, but they dont compair to the SJ Worx toploader I am running on my LW X2. Definetly TBM stuffer that SXR pump. Crab put some sponson type fins on the rear and said it was a big improvement in turning and not sliding out.

More and more I think I am going to be putting a spec class boat together this winter. I have a 62T 760 motor doing nothing....

DBR. 66E would be
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650 pump with cutback Impros SXR Hooker prop, 62T/62T big bore, OEM SJ or X Metal box for the exhaust (both work well with front only exhaust and will perform). Tried and true platform.
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Talk less, Ride more!
Ontario Canada
I have a Team Butch plate that I used for a week or two on my X2. Its about 2 inch longer than stock plate and a bit deeper.
It made a big difference in hook up and kept the ski from sliding around on tight turns.

Biggest difference was shorthening the hull, but since you cant do that, a longer plate should do the trick.
wouldnt a longer rideplate be the opposite of shortening a hull.? Did you run the plate before your shortened the hull? The hull feels like it needs the nose higher to corner better. I 've seen an ocean pro rideplate that looks real aggressive, would love to find a jd setup for it
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