Blaster Need a quick rider tip


Way She Goes
I'm really liking my waveblaster! Bought it last weekend and its my first jetski. Naturally i was concerned that i wouldn't be able to drive it very well (seeing as it is a very aggressive ski), but to my surprise I'm doing ok. despite the common frustration of getting on from the back, that seems to be my preferred method of reentering.

The first time i had it out, i was driving it too slow while trying to turn and it would just tip over. By second try i realized that its easier to turn while going faster. I've gone out 4-5 times since then and am feeling way better on it.

Now that i'm feeling much more confident on it, i'm starting to turn at higher speeds. Yesterday i made a turn going quite fast and the back slid out on me. I paniced a little and forget what happened exactly but i know i ended up in the water with my ski 30ft away. :silly:

Is this sliding a common thing at high speeds? Is there something i can do to control it?


FYI: it has a groovy rideplate and intake, a factory pipe, possibly an air filter upgrade and it is on pre-mix fuel (might have some other small upgrades, but i forget what the last owner said). I'm 18 and 150-160lbs, hope i have enough weight in the back. I've seen much lighter people ride these things great so doubt thats what it is.
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I'm in the same boat you are except I bought mine a month ago! When you go to turn, put the foot thats on the inside of the turn as far up as possible and the other one as far back. Put plenty of weight on the back foot and it wont slide out. The sharper you turn and the more weight on the back foot the harder it will carve. I'm working on getting my body out over the water haha. Good luck!
true story. it's all about body possition. i'm only 140 and have no problems trowing it around and getting mine to stick. just like riding a dirtbike. (i'm a ex pro moto x racer) they are tons of fun put trust in the ski it will amaze you. also cornering is very effected by body possition
onceu get your balance u will be able to spin out and slide backwards a little then quickly hit the gas and take off again all without falling off


Way She Goes
Gave it a go yesterday, but it was really choppy. Was unable to try it like i wanted too, but i think i got the idea of it.

I think i was getting a bit of air of some of the boat wakes mixed with the cop. Im not getting too much air though. Do you have to be going a high-full out speeds to get air, or is there a trick?



Way She Goes
Thanks mayhem,

I have been practicing and i am putting all kinds of weight in the outside edge when turning fast and although i am able to handle the sliding a bit better, it still seems to slide out. THe only way i can control sliding out is to lean inside on the turn hard, that way my body doesn't get whipped outside and end up falling.

Should i be placing even more weight on the out side edge and not leaning in so much? I just don't want it to slide out of control all the time when turning fast. The sliding is fun, but would like to be able to turn sharp too.

I guess i need to get a shot of my blaster for a avatar. :)

Viva groovy rideplate and riva intake by the way, if that has anything to do with it.



Site Supporter
I mean how sharp are you trying to turn? I can get like half my body in the water while making a big carve. Do you ever watch the street bike racers how the are like hanging off the bike when they make the turns? Thats how I do it and thing carves like one of those bikes. Throw that 160 lbs around. lol


Way She Goes
Well, i read everyone saying its great for turning fast. I find if i lean too much, i can't keep the intake in the water. As soon as the intake disconnects, you slide right?
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If you lean too far over the pump comes out of the water. If you don't lean enough it slides. You want to be where it doesn't do either or slightly slides.
im in the same boat, just picked up a WB ive had standups or coutches my whole life and im 19 240lbs.. i turned my idle up have it running and pull myself up


stupid desert
intake grate affects how it moves once you break loose and are traveling backwards. the more agressive/racing it is the longer before it will bite back


Way She Goes
I've gotten use to turning hard without sliding, but now i want to learn how to turn and slide. It freaks me out every time i start to slide at all. Is there a certain thing i can do to slide but keep myself in control?


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
There are a couple sure fire method of learning to control your ski. Practice and fall a lot. If you are not falling you aren't finding the limits of your boat or yourself.
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