Need Help identifing Possible WaterDawg Customs Hull

This hull was included in a large inventory of watercraft parts that was purchased from a shop that has been closed for a few years

The only things I know are it has motor mounts for a 750 and has a piece of tape inside that says "waterdawgs freestyle"

Anyone able to give me anymore information or value of this hull???


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Thats a Rok hull with the optional nose piece. Not to be confused with the Rok-R hull. Search for for sale threads with the same hull for an idea on value...there's been a bunch over the years.
Thanks for the quick reply and identification. I did some searching in the marketplace and it seems the only ROK hulls I can find for sale were later edited to remove price and say sold. Do you have an opinion as to value. I have no idea if it is a $500, $1500, or $3500 hull. Is optional nose piece anything special?


No Clue
Brooklyn MI
I sold my Rok hull Last year with a RRP pole setup for $4000 if I remember correctly. It was a very clean example. I've seen a few on here sell for around $2500-3000.

It could be worth more if it's a carbon hull. The examples above where glass.

That looks like a really nice boat. You should get some better pics of it up.
Thanks for the quick reply and identification. I did some searching in the marketplace and it seems the only ROK hulls I can find for sale were later edited to remove price and say sold. Do you have an opinion as to value. I have no idea if it is a $500, $1500, or $3500 hull. Is optional nose piece anything special?

Use google as your search engine instead of through the forum's search function. I just pulled up over a page worth of for sale threads w/ rok hulls all varying in price.
Here are some additional pics. The pictures don't do the color justice. The paint job is a pearl red with mild flake with a pearl white center. It shines 10 out of 10 with no blemishes I can find. My garage lighting doesn't doesn't make it look stunning but it is.


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A guy has a few videos on YouTube that used to own it. Wanna say Louisiana or something like that. Rode with a bunch of eme dudes. Great hull $2500-$3500 good price range. Pm if you decide you want to offload it quick
Another member pm'd me that they thought they had seen it on YouTube too. Neither of us can seem to find any trace of it. Would be interested to know a little bit of the history of the setup. It appears to have been barely used if any
I found it in an closed down boat dealer in North Alabama. Here are a few pics of inside the hull I took tonight. Can anyone tell me about the unique nose cone shape pros/cons/ why?


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Do any of you local Alabama guys know any local shops I could contact about getting it completed. Would like to get a rough idea of what it would cost to complete. ...Or I may just sell it like it sits
Nose cone was for lawn darts, if it did ever happen the nose piece would break before the nose itself. Can't vogue for how true it is, never really wanted to find out. Like
I said if you wanted to offload it quickly and hassle free pm me
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