Need Help w/ Contract


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
You are going to want the contract to state what is expected. ie: You agree to do a minimum of 5 shows in exchange for the sponsorship. I'm sure she has an expectation of a certain amount of exposure.

You also need to cover what happens if you get seriously hurt (or worse) and don't fulfill the obligation (can't ride for the rest of the year, etc.). Sure would suck to get the money, get hurt and then find out she want some (or all) of it back and you were not expecting it.

I don't mean to be a downer, just get all of that out and on the table and write up something that states this and you both can sign it. A contract does not do much unless it's taken to court, of which, court fees and lawyer costs will easily out weigh the money she gave you so you'd be better off refunding her money if it ever came to that anyway.

So, just open up Word, type something up and sign it and call it good.

Might aught to cover things like add size on your boat and other sponsor issues and have it noterized when signed.


Not to be a downer, but I was told that Ametuers are only alowed to take product. ONly Pros can take Paid Sponsorships ! Not sure how true that is, but that is how it was told to me ! :dunno:

I could be wrong- but in snowboarding you can have all the sponsors you want but when you take money from a comp you are a pro.

In golf (they are the strictest about am vs pro in any sport) you can have all the monetary help in the world and travel all over and still compete as an amatuer. It is when you take the prize money you are now a pro.

prize money = pro
sponsor money = am

I could be wrong in the case of jet skiing though.
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