Need opinions (mixing case halves)

I have a 61x motor that is good running condition, except that the starter bolt mount on the bottom case half is broken. I have another set of cases, and was contemplating just taking off the bottom case and putting the good one on. What are the opinions on this?


Just have it welded for $20 or so and you won't have to worry about mixing & matching cases. They are ground from the factory to be a matching set and are marked as such. If the alternate half is too much different you could have a leak potential. Use plenty of gasket sealer and watch for obvious mating differences. I personally would avoid doing it if possible, but it has been done..


Random Performance
I've matched case halves plenty of times, and NEVER had a leak. I'm told that they are matched from the factory as well, but never have I had an issue.


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
Those case sets are line bored at the factory mated together and use a bearing crush clearance. The locating pins won't keep the bearings from turning if the clearance is wrong.
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