need some advice on a stripped bolt


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Assuming you stripped out the manifold, put a helicoil or timesert in there and you'll be back out in no time. A little advice... If you stripped one, the others aren't far behind so you might as well do the other two.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
With a helicoil you drill out the damaged threads, tap for the insert, install the stainless inserts, and then you reuse the same bolts. Don't tap the aluminum to a bigger size without using an insert. If you do, you'll not only mess up the manifold but you'll probably crack the head pipe as well because the holes weren't perfectly centered (I know from experience). The 3 bolts that hold the head pipe to the manifold are M10x1.25. You'll most likely have to order that helicoil kit because no auto store will have that thread pitch. Probably cost around $30 for everything you need but the drill bit. The kit will come with a tap, a bunch of inserts, and something to screw the inserts into place.
the bolt is probably farly hard. if you get a carbide drill (start with 3/16 inch)and gently drill out the center. make sure you are close on center and you can trill it to the tap drill size and then pick out the remaining parts of the bolt out of the threads. if your not 100% on center you could use a carbide bit in a dremel to open the bolt tothe threads. only downside to doing this is you need to be almost prfect on center and you should use a drill press or mill, and if you truck up then you have busted carbide in the hole that you have to get out. being a machinist i fix this sort of thing often but you need to becarefull and patient. oh... one more thing dont to it while its on the motor.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
I tapped/helicoiled mine while on the motor but I taped over the hole although removing the manifold would be a whole lot smarter.

There has been a talk about drilling out bolts. The way I read the original post was the manifold is stripped...not the bolt sheared off inside the manifold. If the bolt is sheared off, I wouldn't even bother drilling it out. I'd just take it to a machine shop and have them drill it and helicoil it for you. You'll spend more money in drill bits, helicoils, and possibly destroy the manifold trying to get a steel bolt out of an aluminum part...if the drill bit skates or you slip, it's all over.
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