Freestyle Need some advice on building a stroker motor

Looking to build a 62t/61x stroker motor. now i am not 100% sure on anyhting besides that i want to build it. I dont really want to go crazy with the stroke, i was thinking like a 5 mil or something.

-Who has GOOD stroker cranks?
-I read something about needing a spacer plate...
-I have a 61x motor already that i will use the cylinders / head / exhaust
-What do you look for when buying a 62t case?
-I was thinking keepin it simple for now and running a stock ignition, thoughts?
-will bed plates line up with the 61x?
-since i will be making more power, i am thinking my 22 year old midshaft may not cut it, any advice on midhsafts / drive couplers?
-Who is making some nice lightened 62T flywheels? dont care if they are annodized, as long as it is quality work.

I plan on piecing this thing together. little at a time.


someone turf my rails
I honestly think you'd be better off looking for a used short block rather than trying to piece something together.
There is a lot more to it than just "slapping a stroker crank in". You'll save money in the end by purchasing something that is all ready built.
62t/61x based 5mm can be had at a pretty reasonable price. In fact, I have one on my shelf I'd consider letting go.
yeah but the piecing together is really only a few hundred here couple hundred there over a few months, doesnt hit my wallet too hard. And you want what for your motor $2500...

i know this sport aint cheap... but i am. if i had a few g's laying around i wouldnt hesitate to buy a prebuilt motor. Maybe you could enlighten me on what needs to be done. besides stroker crank / spacer.

thanks for the help.
Looking to build a 62t/61x stroker motor. now i am not 100% sure on anyhting besides that i want to build it. I dont really want to go crazy with the stroke, i was thinking like a 5 mil or something.

-Who has GOOD stroker cranks?
-I read something about needing a spacer plate...
-I have a 61x motor already that i will use the cylinders / head / exhaust
-What do you look for when buying a 62t case?
-I was thinking keepin it simple for now and running a stock ignition, thoughts?
-will bed plates line up with the 61x?
-since i will be making more power, i am thinking my 22 year old midshaft may not cut it, any advice on midhsafts / drive couplers?
-Who is making some nice lightened 62T flywheels? dont care if they are annodized, as long as it is quality work.

I plan on piecing this thing together. little at a time.
If your serious about this have some like, jetworks, lpw, xmetal, ect.. build it for you.

For the 4-5mm size, you can have your stock crank made into a stroker. The best 4mm crank is probably PHP's lightwieght billet 4mm and the best 5mm would probably be an old billet Rad crank.

Spacer plate all depends on who's building your motor and how they decide to do it. Most 5mm's will ether require a spacer plate or custom cut domes.

When buying used 62t cases, make sure there a matched pair, no porting has been done and the bearing surface is smooth

Stock ignition is fine, but more timing is nice

62t and 61x use the same bed plates

just rebuild the midshaft and im sure it will be fine, i've also run oem couplers without issue

Most 5mm's are done with a bigbore top end aswell, and jetworks can do one with a super big bore top end giving you 900cc


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Why cases without porting? Porting is better if done right. Plabloescobar has a set of ported and trenched cases by Paul Lehr collecting dust right now. I bet he would shock you at what he would take for them.


someone turf my rails
yeah but the piecing together is really only a few hundred here couple hundred there over a few months, doesnt hit my wallet too hard. And you want what for your motor $2500...

i know this sport aint cheap... but i am. if i had a few g's laying around i wouldnt hesitate to buy a prebuilt motor. Maybe you could enlighten me on what needs to be done. besides stroker crank / spacer.

thanks for the help.

Even after the pieces are all bought, a few hundred bucks at a time, you still need machine work, cylinder & case port work to make it work right. All of this you will be paying for as well unless you have the resources to do it yourself.

All I was saying is that if you save up some coin for a few months and wait for a good deal I think you'd be ahead in the $$$ dept and have something that you know will work as a package. I understand the budget and trying to do things cheaply. I've been there.
mcdog - i do not want to pick up some cases that Joe Shmo thought he was all high and mighty with his dremel and F'ed up the cases. i also would like to build this motor rather than buy a 'used' or 'back-up' motor, because i will know that everything is right, and that everything is new. I am usually the one to buy something that is complete already, less hassle for me, but i kinda want to experience this build. Maybe watching it all go together, i will have a better understanding of everything.
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I do believe most builders only require half down. And I'm sure they would be happy to accept some sorry of a payment option. When I bought my motor from php they took payments over the course of 4 or 5 months while the motor wad being built.


#Itsonlymoney !!!!!
Dirty south
I will have a php 4 mil stroker crank for sale soon as im upgrading to a lightweight php 4 mil. Pm me if interested.
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The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
Contact a builder even for just info.. I called zack at php for some info and he answered every single question I had and more. Just my.02

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The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
I'm not an engine/performance guru, but I've got some questions for the OP.and a little advice. which honestly you should talk to a builder about.
What are your goals for this motor? Are you running a b pipe? High comp head?
Stock ignition with a stroker motor doesn't seem like the right order to do things. From what I've heard, a start would be a b pipe, high comp girdle head, and porting and at least a cdi with increased revs. Surprised you're just considering throwing a stroker crank in when it sounds like you're not sure what you're getting performance wise. Every builder you talk to is going to say that they think motors are best built in a package, not by just throwing parts at it a little at a time. For example, an igniton setup, carbs,tuning, prop, nozzle, cooling, etc is all going to be a part of the big picture. How mechanically inclined and familiar with 2 strokes are you, and tuning? You could do some home porting and whatever, but tuning will be a little bit of guess work. If you're stroking a motor, your producing more power, and your going to need a different carb setup to feed and fuel that power. More power=need to adjust prop/pump tuning as well.. There's a lot too it for getting the most out of your setup.. Cant just put in a stroker crank and not make any other changes right away. Well, you could, but it wouldn't be the most efficient way to do things. I think ADR makes good stroked cranks, but you're still looking at 600$+. You can get your cylinders ported by a professional for half of that, and you could get your cases ported as well for around another 300$.
Talk to a builder, call up php, zack spent 40 minutes just giving me some info and I didn't have interest in buying an engine setup, he was just willing to help. I'll get his number in a sec.. 920-889-7125, ask for zack.

Again, Take what I say with a grain of salt because I'm not a certified expert on all this, but just consider it.
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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
mcdog - i do not want to pick up some cases that Joe Shmo thought he was all high and mighty with his dremel and F'ed up the cases. i also would like to build this motor rather than buy a 'used' or 'back-up' motor, because i will know that everything is right, and that everything is new. I am usually the one to buy something that is complete already, less hassle for me, but i kinda want to experience this build. Maybe watching it all go together, i will have a better understanding of everything.

Sounds like you already have all the answers, so why are you asking questions when you dont seem to want to listen to peoples suggestions.
Right now I have a dry pipe, ads girdled head w 35cc domes, mag pump, dual cooling, 9/15 hooker.
Just wasn't really sure what direction to take on the ignition. What are y'all runnin on your 4mils?
I plan on doin more research before I throw it together. I know I have to do port timing and all that good stuff.

I wasn't callin anyone Joe shmo, just buyin stuff off eBay like that scares me. They could say it came off a running ski, but little do I know if the grenaded the motor and screwed up the cases you know?

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Your best bet, contact a builder...... Do you have the machining tools to flycut the cases (Trench the cases), Port work, Lathe to recut the domes? This is not just grab the parts, put together and hope it works.........

To answer your ignition question, At least run an MSD Enhancer or Modified OEM.........
If I find a good deal on a used ignition I would see if I could pick it up.

I'm not trying to jump the gun and just throw a motor together. I want to do it right and get as much info as o can. What to do, what to avoid ect


The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
call zack!! Much more beneficial to just contact a builder man.. You'll get everything answered.

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Lifetime bans are AWESOME
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Largo, Fl
Serious question: who is a better engine builder, joe shmoe or blessedyamahasj shmoe?
How many motors have you assembled?
I dont feel that asking questions on a forum is going to get you the answers you need to "build your own" stroker/high performance motor.

I admire your desire to do it yourself. But, if you are on that tight of a budget, what will happen if you assemble everything and it grenades after an hour?
For those of you who know everything and feel like mocking me, i am not disregarding peoples advice. I am just trying to get peoples perspective, opinion, and advice on this. i might not have made this clear, i do NOT know how to build this motor. I am not building it tonight. I have already contacted someone who can build this motor for me. (i will continue to contact more builders to aquire different perspecives on the build too) I am not worried about machining, or porting at this moment. I am just trying to find out what PARTS i need. have people had bad luck with a certain product? have you found something to be bullet proof?

I am thinking running stock carbs for the 62t case. and thanks for the advice on the MSD. i will look into it.

Chadman, i appreciate it. i already contacted PHP about their lightweight 4 mil stroker crank. I think i will be going with this one as well.
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