Need some tuning help Type 4/ADA

I have a 1994 square that is all stock motorwise other then a MSD enhancer. I just purchased a FPP type 4 yesterday and im going to be ordering a ADA girdle head. I need some jetting recommendations for this set up. Its the stock 44 carb. Is 35cc domes the lowest i can run and still stay on pump gas? Where is the best place to buy a ADA head? Do i need the ada exhaust bracket to mount this pipe?


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at peace
You should be barely okay with Premium and 35cc domes. Be careful.
37cc domes may be a better idea.
You will need the exhaust bracket ADA sells.
For jetting specs, go to
What will the 37cc domes give me for compression? Im looking for around 185psi I was reading on the ADA site that they recommend going down a dome size if running a dry pipe? I went to website but did not find tuning for the single carb just the 38's


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at peace
They recommend going down in compression, and up in domesize. You'd be sitting at about 165-170psi with 37cc domes.

Go with a 130P, and 150M
You may want to consider an Advent or TL ignition something with and adjustable timing curve or just mix in some race fuel......... Dry pipe, High Compression and an Enhancer is recipe for deto.
If i run the 37 cc domes i will be safe with 92 octane right? Does anyone else have any opinions on where i should start with jetting? Otherwise im going to start out with what Matt E mentioned.
Well i decided not to put the ADA head on until this fall so im just going to have the type 4 dry pipe and msd enhancer. Can anyone tell me what the stock jets, needle, and spring that should be in a 44 mukuni off a 94 superjet? I talked to a tech guy and riva performance and he told me to start out with stock jetting and adjust from there? does that sound right


I like square
Marquette, MI
I have pretty much the same setup except for ported block and a few others but stock head at 150 psi right now and im still working on tuning, actually gonna try it out here in a bit with new jets. Stock jetting on my ski which was a 44 from a 650sj, 95g spring, 1.5 N&S, and I forget the stock jets but it was weird like the main was higher than the pilot. But I moved up a 115 gram spring 140 main and a 120 pilot but im still rich on the low end so im gonna try a 115 pilot tonight and see what happens, ski runs great at mid to top end but low end has nothing. post if ya find the right combo.
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