Thanks tom
wasn't aware they resleeve the cyl. ,I do like the nickasil bore..
shipping round trip is 180.00
what's this place like
they say 1000.00 with 2 yr warrant as compared to sbt at 1200.00
I can get hot rods crank for 440.00
cylinder 250.00
wsm top end w/gaskets 160.00 or pro x for 140.00 + gaskets for 70.00
wsm seals ars genuine 20.00 or oem 40.00 (wsm only list ars for inner and outer pto and teflon for mag)
total 870.00
that being said it,s not all about the money,my time is valuable...but if I do it myself at least i get a hot rods crank,better or not ,i don't know
if they were down the street from me I would jump on it...I do live right my buffalo so i ship to the U.S. and pick up from there
Yea I will look at crank when it comes out, so much debris sitting on the top of the case is not good
Hmm what to do