New adobe flash player?


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HELP! Why do I keep getting this message when i go to watch a video:

Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.

Now I download the adobe player and still nothing happens same message? what gives?
Dude that is how koobface attacks!!! Beware!!

It says you need a flash update and then appears to give you one but what it really does is infect you with XP antivirus 09....which is one of the worst viruses I have ever seen.

I just watched it attempt to leap across hard drives on my network as I attempted to remove it from a friends machine!!!

It attacks facebook now (myspace previously) and it is NASTY!!
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Well I did a restore point and now it works fine. I couldn't watch any video at all online. Madmat now I'm scared. What should I do to prevent that shiot from happening again.:AR15firing:
You may not have gotten it but if you did you will know very very soon. LOL.

The best way to prevent a virus is to be secure behind a router and once you set up your system the way you like it....never ever update anything until you are positive its legit.

So say you see some crap about a flash update.......just get out of that a new browser and go directly to the site and check it out.

I had a system run for like 4 years once with ZERO updates of any kind. And then service pack 2 came out I think and I said what the heck but for the most part if you have a good running system and you are behind a hardware firewall you can skip them ALL!

And of course no limewire, porn, blah blah blah....
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