New guy a 750sxi with sponsons

Hi all.....

Long time rider and first time poster, I have a 95 750sxi and I just put sponsons on it. definitely feels different, and a bit more stable I guess... Anyone else put sponson (tubbies) on there sx or sxi's? what do you think about them? just want to see what everyone else thinks about these "new" things in the jet ski world...... (I've been riding since the 90s, and ya I'm old lol)
Hey there ripper, I am a complete newbie and my son and I started riding back in April of this year. Being 46 years old, I have been a little slow to develop the skills and balance to ride a standup. I also ride a 750sxi (skat trak impeller is only mod), and my son's ski is a totally stock 550sx. I have always found the 550 hull to be much more forgiving in the turns, and seems to be less "tippy" when on a plane compared to the 750 hull. I have been able to advance a bit since April and am finally starting to carve the turns a little tighter, and am jumping wakes, etc. I recently installed the Blowsion destroyers on the 750 in an attempt to tame down some of the tippyness and sketchy balance in the turns (as I have read many others comment about).

I have had the sponsons on now for the last 4-5 trips out, and I have to say that I am finally starting to notice some major differences in how the hull behaves. In the beginning, I was a bit disappointed that I was unable to really notice a major difference, -well, that was because I wasn't really "pushing" the ski, or my abilities at first. I have since built up some confidence in both the ski, and my abilities. The sponsons seem to have tamed-down some of the high speed wobble (that some guys call chine-walk), before, at times the 750 would decide to wobble back and forth at a certain speed and just put you in the drink at 40mph, -it seems much more tame now. I have also noticed how much better it handles in rough water, -before it would really "hunt" in large waves, and the hull would constantly be leaning right and left, -now it just seems to skip evenly with minimal tipping when in rough chop. Before the sponsons, turns always seemed iffy, -and occasionally the hull would either come unhooked, -or the thing would roll way too much to the inside, -even with max power on the pump. Now with the sponsons, I can really lean into the turns and apply as much power as needed to carve the turn. In a squat stance, I can literally lean in, crank the bars and go wide open throttle, and it will not come unhooked, it carves well beyond my abilities as a rider right now, my plan is to burn fuel and get as much tray time as possible on this thing to be able to take full advantage of the skis potential.

Occasionally my son and I swap skis just for kicks, -and even he noticed an improvement in stability, -before the sponsons he hated it because (in his own words) was way tippy compared to the 550, -and how right he is! I think the sponsons were money well spent, if for no other reason than they seem to have made the ski easier to ride, -and it handles better also.
Thanks for the response, and ya..That's kind of what I've been finding with the 750, it feels different but I can trust it a bit more in the deeper carve turns and seems to be more stable at higher speed.. I guess I'm just getting use to them. I have definitely had the 750sxi without the sponsons throw me for the roll of the side at top speed.....(kinda fun if a land on your back and skip across the, but that's not always the case) I have yet to been tossed with the sponsons on... Overall I'm glad I got them.
......As far as a 550 being more stable, not for me, I find those things are like trying to stand up on a bogieboard....I am 6'6 265 pounds though so i sink the thing pretty good. :)

Yeah, I would imagine that a guy your size would need two 550's, -one under each foot!! Thanks for your feedback on the sponsons as well, -I had a few friends that told me I was wasting my money, but I don't think that was the case at all, especially after getting some time on them. I plan on leaving the rest of the ski stock for now and just riding the dang thing. Tray time is where it's at for me right now, -I have made it past the "discouraging newbie-stage" so it is getting to be a lot more fun. I'm glad I stuck with it, there is absolutely no way I could ever ride a dang sit down now, I'm hooked!! :)
I have them and love them, cornering stability was greatly improved and its easier to land from high jumps, recovers faster if you know what i mean
I know what you mean.....I've been riding a while with them now and just when you think our kick ass sport of Jet Skiing can't get any better BAMMMMMMM...... there you go! with the sponsons, scoop grate, and ride-plate it's like a whole new machine....... This 39yr old dude feels like a 12 yr old in a candy store I'm so stoked!
Thanks for the replies and Happy Rippin my friends!
hahaha...ya I know 39 is younger for the old school jet ski craze.. I was only 13 to 16 when Larry Ripengroger and all those old school pros where rippin it up on their modded 550s in the hayday of standups (the 90s).... Bought all the mags, wanted a ski my whole life.... finally got 1 about 3 years ago and i've had about 10 since..... Mid life crisis's are F'n AWESOME!!!! hahahahaha
hahaha...ya I know 39 is younger for the old school jet ski craze.. I was only 13 to 16 when Larry Ripengroger and all those old school pros where rippin it up on their modded 550s in the hayday of standups (the 90s).... Bought all the mags, wanted a ski my whole life.... finally got 1 about 3 years ago and i've had about 10 since..... Mid life crisis's are F'n AWESOME!!!! hahahahaha

My son and I love watching all the retro videos from the 90's with the guys racing the tweaked-up 550's, my son is only 13, but he is so into the retro 550 thing that he is looking for old PJS and Skat Trak stickers to give his 550 that retro look, -what could be cooler than that? Funny thing is, he is also in to all the 80's/90's metal too, Dokken, April Wine, etc (ok, dad may have influenced that just a bit!). It makes me proud that he has respect for the guys that truly started it all and kept it going for all of these years.

Regarding the "mid life crisis" thing, -yeah, -I think that if you have made it to our age and have put in your time, it is a great excuse to pat yourself on the back once in a while and go buy some toys to play with (while we are still able to!!!) :D
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