New Hull VS> Old Hull


Are we there yet?
Can anyone tell me, Just how much of a handling difference is there form an 07 to an 08 with the new hull changes? Is it worth the cost of a new one vs on older model with some mods already. :Banane35:

Sorry if this has been discussed B4.
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Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
And To Add: i know its been talked about all the part differences,, but if someone could sum it up and list the parts that they changed, other than the design of the hull, would be nice to know for reference.


- SuperJet Thursday -
This hull handles way different than the earlier ones, aimed towards racing for sure.

Handle Pole (fx-1), Steering Cable, Reduction Nozzle (trim ring & steering nozzle), Impeller, Rideplate (SN plate), and supposedly a thinner head gasket (up compression)

There are also no ribs in the hull and more room for FFP fitment.
The driveshaft is a little longer, maybe due to the setback pump.
The engine now has a rubber damper between the cases and hull, so I heard...


Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
Bumped the compression up from 150 to 170 psi
3 inches wider in front and 3 inches narrower in the rear.
The chimes are deep by at least a 1/2 inch.

It handles very similar to my Tubbie II Roundnose, but turns better and stays hooked-up. It loves choppy water. It more sensitive to your wieght distribution. My first ride it seemed unstable. Once adjust my ride position, I didn't have that sensation any longer. I think the 08' SJ turns better than the SXR. It Still retains the playfulness of the SJ. All in all I'm pleased with the ski. Do I think it is superior over the older roundnoses? NO, just simply different.
I would say the hook-up is night and day better than the previous years. Corners and cuts are easier to execute, and the boat doesnt suck up as much stamina.
My brother who rides the '07 misses the ease of low speed slides on flat water.

i have built one up with a 5 mil dasa stroker handle pole all the goodies . it was alright i still currently like the 07 base but it could also be due to riding one for all these years . i am currently building a lightweight version made by wf and we will see if there is any difference due to the lightweight hull . but i think this will be my freeride hull .
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