I think the change is a positive one and here's why...
1. Putting the pics on the left raises more of the forum to a level above the fold. I can see all the way down to the "events" forum before I even have to scroll (on my small monitor).
Darin, I would put the "online ads" folder in a less visible place, just as a matter of keeping the interesting stuff above the fold for new visitors. (Maybe put it after the health and fitness folder?) Just an opinion.
2. You can only put so much crap ABOVE the forum itself before the forum is completely buried by "extras". If you use a left column for the pics and events and what-not, you can do a lot more with it without completely
ing up the layout of the forum everytime you want to add or remove something. You add a block and remove a block and nobody will even notice.... as opposed to what happens when you move a big block from the very top of the forum.... ya know, when it ruins the lives of four or five innocent individuals.:ugh: