New member... What stand up should I buy?


Rider Mod Needed
Catfish, NC
What octane fuel should I run with this ski? I filled it up with middle grade octane, 89, should I run premium fuel, midgrade or low 87? I figured I couldn't go wrong with mid grade... but let me know, if I need to dump it, I will....
With 150psi run 87 in it. Anything more is not only wasting money, but hurting performance and hurting your ski as well. Higher octanes burn slower, will richen combustion leaving carbon deposits. Run the 89 out and then put 87 in it next time.
New member needs advise

i met some of the group during your event in daytona beach, fl in January.
I've had a kawasaki SXR 800 for four years & just had an engine blow (don't ask how!!). it hasn't been disassembled yet, but i know that the crankcase is shattered.
I need some advise about my options?? Take to a dealer to get it fixed?? Junk it?? Sell it as is??
any help would be appreciated.
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