New MSD How To - Superjet

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL

Spent nearly an hour and a half writing a tutorial for a project that took 15 minutes to complete and shoot. However it was worth it, i remember trying to figure it out when i was very noobish and could have used a good step by step.

Could ahve saved some people some irratating phone calls too....So I'm rather proud of this one. Check it out



Virginia Beach
Good write-up! Does it make a difference which ground goes where? Or did you just keep track of factory settings? If it matters, I can't believe I haven't screwed it up yet in one e-box or another...


So long and thanks for all the fish
goddamm you make it sound difficult...

just open up the box, pull out the CDI and plug in the MSD........

15 minutes TOPS

It's confusing to people that have never opened the box before or have zero electrical experience.

Good writeup Jesse, I'm sure it will help some people.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Hoping to write more like this if i install something or see something that is worth writing up. Maybe a impeller install. Thats been beaten for awhile

true darren.....Jess, I wasnt dissin' ya............It just seemed a bit more complicated than it really is....

None taken.


High on jetskis.
good start but you got heaps of spelling and wording errors that are confusing as hell. its also hard to tell a simile from a direction, not everyone will understand them.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
good start but you got heaps of spelling and wording errors that are confusing as hell. its also hard to tell a simile from a direction, not everyone will understand them.

...How the hell is it hard tot ell a smilie from a direction. Possibility the reader may need to frown when tightening up the set nut?

As far as spelling - I'm from AL and wrote all of crap out really'll do

and wording...everything seems to be good...maybe you cna enlighten me cause its hard to find wording probs when you wrote it

don't back down, you were on the right track.

Your just still mad about getting pounded int he ass:biggthumpup:


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
nice job, if everyone would take the little extra effort taking pics and posting wrightup like this. we'd put people out of business


Анархия - мать порядка!
Nice job!
Now please do a writeup on an RXP supercharger replacement. :biggthumpup:


High on jetskis.
...How the hell is it hard tot ell a smilie from a direction. Possibility the reader may need to frown when tightening up the set nut?

As far as spelling - I'm from AL and wrote all of crap out really'll do

and wording...everything seems to be good...maybe you cna enlighten me cause its hard to find wording probs when you wrote it
before you take offense, i am just helping you, you literally asked for it.
not smile, simile. the comparisons make sense to you but your not writing this "how to" for you. just dumb it down for the masses.
"Now do a UFC head lock move and wrestle everything back together into one piece."
"Pull out your enchancer put that into the original spot."
"Do not use the MSD provided bolts. They are barely in there by a thread or too. Go buy some matching {what are they?}ones that are longer from a local hareware store."
i personally like a numerical step by step, but i have done both.
macro mode on your camera does wonders, try holding the button halfway and letting it focus before taking the picture. you can see if the pic will be in focus or not before taking the picture.
don't back down, you were on the right track.

I installed mine fine with the directions....but I have never touched any electrics before, and it never hurts if someone else goes out of their way to give to a little more knowledge to attack a problem with.

We all have to start somewhere, :biggthumpup::barrel:


I forgot!
nice write up, its really a simple job, if you can't figure out how to install one with the instructions or these directions then you shouldn't be allowed out of your house. One trick i use after i close up the box is to blow on the fuse cap to listen for air leaks, if it is air tight, then it should be water tight. This is mostly for me because i have a few questionable rubber grommets and a homemade seal that i use a little automotive goop on to help seal.


Hi Ho Silver!
Birmingham, AL
That was a nice article Jesse. It was thoughtful of you to offer MSD101 for noobs.


Don't blame your apparent academic failure on the state of Alabama. I guess you should have made more of an effort to stay awake during English class.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
before you take offense, i am just helping you, you literally asked for it.
not smile, simile. the comparisons make sense to you but your not writing this "how to" for you. just dumb it down for the masses.
"Now do a UFC head lock move and wrestle everything back together into one piece."
"Pull out your enchancer put that into the original spot."
"Do not use the MSD provided bolts. They are barely in there by a thread or too. Go buy some matching {what are they?}ones that are longer from a local hareware store."
i personally like a numerical step by step, but i have done both.
macro mode on your camera does wonders, try holding the button halfway and letting it focus before taking the picture. you can see if the pic will be in focus or not before taking the picture.

Again.....I'm not taking offense. To be honest i dont really care if i spelled something write. I put an hour and a half into writing that out...if there are error in spelling people can get over it as long as they arent probs with the tech details.

I dont have the spec numbers on me for the bolts, i believe they are M6 but i cant say for a fact and dont wanna bring wrong info. Common sense to just take the bolt and get a longer matching one

Yes, i do understand what macro mode is and how to focus the camera with holding the button half way down. Have for years.....however it doesnt help when you have a very old camera with a lense not made to shoot that close. I tried many setting, and many pics of each step and shot the best.

I'm trying to help people with a a cdi install not put Ronny out of buisness with photos.. Your just lokoing at these way too complicated and make too much out of it.

Don't blame your apparent academic failure on the state of Alabama. I guess you should have made more of an effort to stay awake during English class.

Again...article was wrote really fast and had alot of detail....if anyone want to go back and correct my spelling errors be my guest, but i stuck it together to help others wiotha install..spent too much time on writing a real how to to have too many people nick pick at it
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