300/440/550 New paint job?

What's everyone think, do I need a new paintjob? This is a 1990 yamaha superjet.


  • Superjet1.jpg
    129.5 KB · Views: 77
  • Superjet2.jpg
    103.2 KB · Views: 125
  • Superjet3.jpg
    141.7 KB · Views: 81


give me fuel give me fire
well first things first... are you a dude or chic? if chic i think its alright. otherwise I see some finger pointing in your future.
who painted this? I thought big fish ate smaller fish? not visa versa

No, man I'm straight! I have a beautiful new wife and a baby on the way. I'm just not sure if I want to stick a grand into a new paint job. The ski is in good condition with a metal pole which is great for the abuse I put it through out on Lake Michigan. It has a new protec ride plate and intake grate as well as a new solas impellor.

I will replace my 90s purple wetsuit though.


Freelance Smartass
It's perfect . . . . . . if your name is Dick and your friends names are Neil and Bob ! :lmao:


Seriously though . . . . Great chick ski as is . . . . . but I'd put a graphics kit on it or paint it if it was mine . . . . .
You guys are great for a laugh at work! LOL

They are stickers and the ski was orginally purchased for my 12 year old daughter who loves them. Due to a divorce I'm not sure if I'll let her ride it, as much as I'd love to see her on it. I don't want to take the risk of her mother saying that I'm endangering her and taking away visitation rights.

She has riden it a few times (before I was threatened) and had the time of her life. She got up within a few minutes on it. Talk about me feeling 10 feet tall!

As for me I have a 800 SXR (stock stickers!). LOL
I've never spent the money to have a ski painted becuase I always paint my own but honestly I don't see any need to drop $1000 on a paintjob. No matter how careful I am it seems that scratches and chips happen no matter what. I would save your money.


I think its sweet! Make it a sleeper, mod it to the end of the world and cruise around sporting the flowers and little fishes......then when someone laughs at you you can pull a backflip on flat water and race off at 60!:woot:


Team Poseur
Tacoma, WA, USA
I actually think the HT piranhas look kinda cool like that. About the flowers though...

Spend an afternoon stripping the thing. The only part of that ski that isn't gelcoated is the nosepiece, so be careful there. Otherwise 3M Adhesive Remover and a good scraper and have it it.


give me fuel give me fire
I didnt realize those were stickers. Just use a heat gun and they will peel right off. after they are off, I would leave it plain white. Maybe but some new stickers on it if your one of those guys that cant stand one solid color.


RN Surgery... soon
I'm painting my boat shortly. Should be pretty sweet. Using Interlux Perfection on top deck and hull. Preppring with epoxy primer (interlux, forget the name Epoxyprimekote or some sheet)

Should run me $125 - $150 in total materials (reducer inclu.). The rest is just how much time you want to put into it and how much time you can spend on prep. I already have a couple hours into prep and it was just to get the glass ready for repairing damage.

Hope it turns out.
if its paint, see if you could use a sharpie and turn the flowers into little targets, or a ninja throwing star, or some other kind of deadly....thing.

or just use a cheap paint n spray the whole thing a straight color (ie. white, black) i wouldnt mind the fish much. nice ski anyway.
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