New SJ Rider

My 90' SJIMG_0604.jpg is bone stock 650. I just bought a a wet jet 701 complete. Its a 61x I know but its a start. It only has a 44mm carb and no reed stuffers, damn. It does have the wet jet pipe, thats cool right. I was just wondering whats the best prop, rideplate, intake. Should I do a bigger carb or a lighten flywheel ? ItsIMG_0647 - Copy.jpg a awsome sport and I cant wait to see what I can pull off. Thanks for any help..!


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Welcome! That's a very clean looking ski - great find! For flatwater freestyle I've always liked the stock rideplate, which you can D-cut for free to improve performance. Worx 201 is a great rideplate for hookup. As for a prop, I've never used one but eveybody seems to be loving the hooker prop. Your best bet there is to call Dave at Impros and talk him through what you have and what you want to achieve - he really knows his stuff and will give you a great recommendation. I'm not sure I would bother wih a lightened flywheel at this point - the jury is out on whether it really makes a difference or not.
Thanks for the help. I have heard about D cutting the stock ride plate. I'm looking for the brap that eveyone it talking about. I want to snap my neck when I hit throttle. I started on a moded 550 with a 650 pretty fast.IMG_0562.jpg
Sweet ski 90 sn rule! I have 3 of those suckers. I dont know anything about the wetjet pipe but if I was building it I would B pipe and do something about the rev limiter, get a worx intake and cut stock ride plate and prop it for what you want it to do. Have fun!
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