New to jet skiing

That 550 was getting plenty of air but so will an inflatable dingy with an outboard if the waves are big enough. I ride only on flatwater no waves here so I need the power to pop the ski out of the water. An 800 SXR can be a fun machine but they are 60 pounds heavier than the SJ's. And the kawasakis don't have the low end punch that a Yamaha will.

My preference would be
1. 96 and up SJ
2. 95 and down SJ
3. save more money and start at the top.


ISJWTA Member #1
for what it's worth...i figured out that i can do a lot of the trick on a stock 650 SJ with some footholds, but i love my 701...much easier & much better with my new prop now...BTW speedfreak... my clutch hooks up now


M.D. in the works...
Troy, MI
Ya listen to speedfreak. Be patient and wait for an sn to go on sale in your price range.

As for the sx-r I love mine, it rips pretty good stock i just wish it was a little lighter...ok a lot lighter. It's not very likely you can find one in your pricerange tho. That's a good 2nd ski to buy once you know exactly what you want and are ready to put the money out.

good luck!
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