New to the forum

Just sayin hello. Everyone kept tellin me to make an account over here because it's so much better than pwctoday so I finally decided to listen to them, haha. Anyway, my names kevin and I ride a superjet. Seems like a really nice forum. I'm from eastern pa so if you ride around the area shoot me a pm.
It was just the first thing that came to mind cause I had to change it from my other one being that I don't own a 750 anymore. Im horrible at coming up with these things so I just looked through the "post your favorite combos" thread over on pwctoday and chose the frst one I saw that was actually half decent.


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
I never to to that site anymore. I switched a few months ago and havent looked back. Thanks to the X I have lost 120 pounds, made it big in the stock market, got my mojo back, and I feel GREAT!!!!!
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