New WCF carbon fiber b pipe


Matakana Menace
tested the carbon chamber yesterday and I freaking love it!! It seems like my motor picked up some more RPM. I ran the blaster mod before and it gave a bit more bottom end hit but would seem to cut out on top. this chamber let my motor rev and definetly picked up some torque on the mid and top. the chamber also seems to stay cooler (luke warm with my hand on it) and maybe prevents heat build up in the engine compartment.
I'm going to try to dry it out some more. I'm currently running a flow control valve at the stinger but I do believe that it is running too wet on the bottom.

The ski seemed considerably more quiet also... Definitely picked up in the mid to high RPMs...



Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I got to ride the 335lb ski this weekend-NICE HULL!!! It may be heavy, but feels very agile. I like the feel of Chik's hull set up.
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