Next mod for superjet ada gridled head


just one more part....
costa mesa ca
i have b pipe impler rideplate scoop and looking for next mod. want to keep it very reliable pump 91 also

should i get the head or what
thanks guys


Rick James Edition
Music City, TN
i have b pipe impler rideplate scoop and looking for next mod. want to keep it very reliable pump 91 also

should i get the head or what
thanks guys

I'd check out the Speedwerx head. I ordered a replacement for my friend and it was NICE. Comes in black too!

How about some footholds and cutting that stock handle pole back about 3-4 inches.:biggthumpup:


gainesville, fl
If you want to keep it very reliable I would keep stock compression. I know everyone adds a head, but increasing the psi will reduce the life of your motor period, how much it shortens it depends on how high you go. If you don't care, then yes it would be a good mod.


just one more part....
costa mesa ca

i have footholds that was amazingly fun to do im kinda over cutting into my boat is it that hard and it is helpful to cut down the pole i am 6 1 and it feels like i have to stand back more.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Running high PSI is yes....a life shortening mods, by how a slightest clue...and I've never seen a problem ever caused by the head specificity....

You can get ADA and not worry about reliability. In fact I prefer them to OEM head because they run Orings instead of full gaskets, which can be changed in 5 minutes.

Usually compression issues are problems like bad fuel, too low octane, water. Dont get me wrong, I'm sure there are people who have more problems when they are running like 210PSI and stuff like that....

All in all.......I trust it


Time to ride
i have b pipe impler rideplate scoop and looking for next mod. want to keep it very reliable pump 91 also

should i get the head or what
thanks guys

IT depends on what you plan on doing with it.....keep your stock rideplate.....footholds and turf will make you boat a bit more comfy....and if you plan on beating the shiz out of your boat......Re enforce the hull along the bondline.....this will add life to your hull......and Fill the Foam fill holes.....they are a little under the EBOX and have plastic stickers on them from the factory....which eventually will come off and allow water to enter your foam(which you don't want) and after youve done this save up or start looking for used aftermarket parts i.e. hood, nosepiece, aluminum pole.....than call pat at x metal and he'll give you all the RIGHT moves to make:afro:


gainesville, fl
Yea I agree handling mods will help more than a head will, plus most of them are cheaper. If you do run higher psi I wouldn't run 91 octane either, I run 93 with stock compression, for 10 cents a gallon difference, as little as I use in my SJ I might as well. The difference in a tankful isn't even .50


Time to ride
as for filling the part where the stickers are inside the compartment under e box plese explain further

this is a little harder to explain in words.....if your looking at the ebox mounted....look down on the right and left side of the box on the fire wall.....its a little hard to see but if you inspect your firewall with your hand youll find what im talking about....pull off round stickers and youll find the holes that you should fill.....with either 5200 or marine tex.......this is imo one of the first keeps water from entering the long have you had your ski


gainesville, fl
The stickers are white, or at least on mine they were, if you just feel around the firewall near the bottom keep pressing until you feel them and peel them off, but really you should be able to see them just looking. I just put some rubber plugs I got from a boat builder I know, they just slid right on super tight and can be removed if I ever need for some reason.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
as for filling the part where the stickers are inside the compartment under e box plese explain further

There are hole int he bulkhead/firewall where they pour the expanding foam into the tray area. Instead of glassing them up, they put these heavy duty sealing stickers on them that over the years is affected by grease/oil/gas/water and fall over or punch through.

This exposes BARE foam which sucks up water, and will add ALOT of weight to your ski over a short time. ALOT of weight with more exposure


just one more part....
costa mesa ca

both stickers are in place and clean its a 2006 so im g0ood whats hte best way to fill em just some epoxy or a plug
also i cut my pole down 3 1/2 inches i am 6.1 is this ok also

and it sucks getting the bracket free of the fiberglass i will most likly just remove some foam and use ss bolts or should i through bolt it


gainesville, fl
I just put those rubber plugs with round loops to pull out in mine, they were a super snug fit and shouldn't let any water at all in, but glassing over it would work fine too.
I am 6' 2 and cut my pole down 4" and love it, so you should be good on the pole, but I am not sure exactly what you are asking about the bracket? To do it right, you have to scrape all the glass out until it fits back in. Are you talking about removing some of the styrofoam from the inside of the pole? If so, no don't do that, take your time until you get the bracket super clean, straight that metal thing that goes around the inside, and reinstall it like it came, I just used SS rivets in it, and epoxied it really good. Rivets should hold fine, because the epoxy is really what should be holding it.


just one more part....
costa mesa ca
thanks so much guys

im so stoked
finished pole its down 3.5 inches and all installed strait lol
and filled the holes with 5200 drying as we speak

maybe in 2008 model they will do the wrk

maybe they should contact x h20 and as for help building a better ski

keeping the same way since 1996 is stupid fix some problems


Time to ride
im so stoked
finished pole its down 3.5 inches and all installed strait lol
and filled the holes with 5200 drying as we speak

maybe in 2008 model they will do the wrk

maybe they should contact x h20 and as for help building a better ski

keeping the same way since 1996 is stupid fix some problems

Yamaha is a joke....if they were smart the would offer more options from the factory......but it would still need mods.....the mods are part of the experiance:Banane13:


Crash Truck Passenger
South Lyon, MI
Yamaha is a joke....if they were smart the would offer more options from the factory......but it would still need mods.....the mods are part of the experiance:Banane13:

the problem is the limited target audience. more options means more build choices which exponentially increases design time, parts sourcing, and design cost. sounds easy, but when you get into it it jacks the internal price high and then everyone starts bitching about why the SJ costs $300 more this year than last, etc. i don't have sales figures for the different yamaha skis in front of me, but i'd guess there are 100+ couches sold for every standup. here in MI, none of the dealers even stock standups.

As an example - there are over 100 different wiring harnesses for the 2008 chevy cobalt, whether you get power windows, a/c, etc. 100. granted apples and oranges, but you can see how options affect design costs.


If you want to keep it very reliable I would keep stock compression. I know everyone adds a head, but increasing the psi will reduce the life of your motor period, how much it shortens it depends on how high you go. If you don't care, then yes it would be a good mod.

Don't be afraid of a safe compression increase. If the engine is not otherwise worn out and you run good gas and good oil then the engine will last for years. I have gotten 5 seasons on 180psi before I rebuilt the top end with no problems. Increased compression will give you a good power gain especially in the low end where you will notice it the most. You will be impressed with how much more snap you will get when grabbing some throttle. If you are running an aftermarket pipe then a girdled head will keep the cylinder from cracking as they are weak on the carb side anyway. I say go for it, good bang for your buck..


Time to ride
the problem is the limited target audience. more options means more build choices which exponentially increases design time, parts sourcing, and design cost. sounds easy, but when you get into it it jacks the internal price high and then everyone starts bitching about why the SJ costs $300 more this year than last, etc. i don't have sales figures for the different yamaha skis in front of me, but i'd guess there are 100+ couches sold for every standup. here in MI, none of the dealers even stock standups.

As an example - there are over 100 different wiring harnesses for the 2008 chevy cobalt, whether you get power windows, a/c, etc. 100. granted apples and oranges, but you can see how options affect design costs.

thats true, but with more exposure, those cost would be made up for with more sale....But i understand that corps. just see$$$ and nothing else....which just gives smaller buisnesses room to succeed and give people more to look forward to than just a couch ....

......imo no matter what you tell people....somebodies going to bitch. But if they want it, they will get it regardless.
Don't be afraid of a safe compression increase. If the engine is not otherwise worn out and you run good gas and good oil then the engine will last for years. I have gotten 5 seasons on 180psi before I rebuilt the top end with no problems. Increased compression will give you a good power gain especially in the low end where you will notice it the most. You will be impressed with how much more snap you will get when grabbing some throttle. If you are running an aftermarket pipe then a girdled head will keep the cylinder from cracking as they are weak on the carb side anyway. I say go for it, good bang for your buck..

5 season before a rebuilt top end! My dad bought a WR3 back in 1993 still running 21 years later with no major problems other than new plugs and a battery every couple of years. Checked the compression last summer still a good 150 psi both cylinders. Got to love a good Yamaha motor and yamalube oil.
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