I just put those rubber plugs with round loops to pull out in mine, they were a super snug fit and shouldn't let any water at all in, but glassing over it would work fine too.
I am 6' 2 and cut my pole down 4" and love it, so you should be good on the pole, but I am not sure exactly what you are asking about the bracket? To do it right, you have to scrape all the glass out until it fits back in. Are you talking about removing some of the styrofoam from the inside of the pole? If so, no don't do that, take your time until you get the bracket super clean, straight that metal thing that goes around the inside, and reinstall it like it came, I just used SS rivets in it, and epoxied it really good. Rivets should hold fine, because the epoxy is really what should be holding it.