Next Mod?????

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
Ok I am getting the bug to spend some $$$ and am not sure what to get next. Here is what I have done sofar.

Board Nozzle 80mm
Wet Wolf Cone
13/18 Skat-Trak impeller
Blowsion Pump Stuffers
R&D Intake
Stock Plate
Milled Head for 93 octane
Stock Carbs re-jetted
Factory Wet Pipe
MSD Coil
Advance kit
RAD Flywheel
X-Metal -2 pole (-4 from stock)
Limiting rope
UMI Steering and Bars
ODI's Rouge 130’s
Blowsion Kicker Footholds and mats
Blowsion Billet Hold Latches
3DR Hood
Hood Straps
Kenny Keepers
Duck Bill
500 gph bilge

I am planning on getting some port work done this winter so that is out. I was thinking carbs or ditch the stock head. Any other ideas?
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Creative RE Purchasing
djkorn1 said:
I would say a scupper or one way. Sounds like a really nice ski. Maybe somthing to take away some more cavitation, like a R & D pump shoe stuffers or the Blowsion ones. I put those in my sxr and it was awsome. Way less cavitation. When I talked to Dave at IMPROS he never recommended a Skat trak impeller, he only mentioned a Solas Dynafly. I had my stock prop repitched at IMPROS to 13/17 5mm cutback and that was another vast improvment on hook up.

TBM Pump Cone Pro
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D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
oxnard111 said:
I would say a scupper or one way. Sounds like a really nice ski. Maybe somthing to take away some more cavitation, like a R & D pump shoe stuffers or the Blowsion ones. I put those in my sxr and it was awsome. Way less cavitation. When I talked to Dave at IMPROS he never recommended a Skat trak impeller, he only mentioned a Solas Dynafly. I had my stock prop repitched at IMPROS to 13/17 5mm cutback and that was another vast improvment on hook up.

Maybe a pole kit, X-Metal all the way.

I forgot the one way on the list. I already have one and a -2 X-metal pole too.

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
Scorn800 said:
Do carb work. Either have your carbs ture bored or buy aftermarker 46's or 48's. Vforce 2 reeds and angled reed spacers.
Thats the direction I was thinking. Of course I just broke a bolt in my hull so I hav eto fix that first.


Creative RE Purchasing
If your going to get porting done this winter wouldn't you rather wait to do that the carb work then. why tune twice when you only could do it once?

Alteast spend 30 bucks and buy the blowsion pump shoe stuffers, they are worth the money. Way less ca ca ca cavitation


Im going back to stock class on my sxr
light port cylinder
tbm pump cone
true bore 40s Dales jetsport did mod and port work
blowsion carbon hood
wont tear down till end of month
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