Super Jet No charging Rectifier or Lighting coil? (measurements incl)


Arlington TX

I did a little searching, and what i'm coming up with isn't adding up so here I am, being a knuckle head starting a new thread.

Here's what i've found.

AC voltage across the two green wires off the lighting coil. It bounced around all over the place 12, 14, 7, 16, etc. That was at idle
DC voltage at Battery while running did the same thing. 6, 14, 3, 20+ (meter was set at 20v and under). @ idle.

Resistance from Green wire from regulator to ground: Greater than 20M Ohms.
Resistance across positive and negative battery cable: Greater than 20M Ohms.

Does this mean anything to anyone? There is a chance my meter isn't playing nice, its old but i feel like what i'm presenting is accurate. If it sounds unaccurate, tell me and i'll get a new meter and try again.

As a sanity check I used a different meter on a ski that I believe to be in good working order, measuring the DC voltage at the battery while running. It was in the 30's.... so weird.

I down loaded the SJ manual that #Zero so graciously hosted, and tested the rectifier (two different ones actually) and none of the values I came up with match the manual.
I hate electrical stuff. Hope someone can help.

Thanks in advance!


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at peace
Measure battery voltage while the ski is running at higher than idle rpm.
Should be more than 12.7V


Arlington TX
Thanks Matt, I was hoping that you'd chime in.

I did this yesterday on a known good ski and came up with values around 34v DC (+/- 5v). Does that sound right?

I have a spare regulator in a ebox that i've been measuring resistance on as well. None of the resistance values match the manual, not even close. So I can only assume i'm doing something wrong.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Battery voltage (measure across the battery terminals) should be about 13.1-14.7 Volts. Nowhere near 34 Volts

Tyler Zane

Open Your Eyes
are you using a DVA when you measure the voltage from the lighting coil? i would test it disconnected from the reg/rec at cranking.

you should get OL or 0 when testing resistance from either lighting coil lead and ground. lead to lead should be 1.14-1.4 ohms (bend the wires a little and see if you get a fluctuation) , but could be a little out and still work. this doesn't mean its good thou. you should get consistent voltage out of it. be sure to check all connections, i have seen the bullet connector be the only thing wrong.

i have never seen a test from reg/rec input (green) to ground. 20m ohms shouldnt be anything to worry about thou.
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My home away from home.
That was cool!! Wish I had some input to help ya out, but I have nada sorry bro. The only weird things I have experienced have been different than yours. I had a lighting coil fail. (wasn't charging) Replaced it and fine. Another lighting (charging) coil didn't fail, but the solder joint on the stator came off. Re-soldered and is fine. I did learn that it's bad to run dual bilges non stop while riding though. That will mess up the lighting coil over time, speaking from experience.


Arlington TX
Thanks brotha, I only have one small bilge.

Intresting finding, I just went out to start the ski (kinda building it for my wife) to show her how the new waterbox sounds... I had the hood off, and the lights off in my shop. I notice a small spark or flash around the ground terminal when it cranked up.
After letting it run for a sec, I decided to pull the negative wire off, just incase the battery was being drained. The ground terminal was hot!!! Strange... Measured the battery again, still at 12.4v.

Tyler Zane

Open Your Eyes
see what matt says before you pull your ebox apart, i have never seen anything like that. maybe someone has seen a symptom like that before.

i have taken a few electrical courses but im still pretty new so please dont scald me. i would pull the reg/rec out and test the forward and reverse bias of the diodes.

the only way i know how to troubleshoot a charging system is starting from the flywheel, working my way to the battery. it must be the regulator/rectifier, because there isn's much else to the charging system. i would like to know the exact cause thou because im unsure of what could cause that symptom.

if no one gets back to you before tomorrow morning, ill get you an answer at school.
Recently, my system quit charging the battery also ...the multi meter did what yours is doing while running the ski... the lightning coil ohms were spot on... changed the volt reg still no charging...found out that the stator wires from the lightning coil were bad, if I wiggled the wires while ohm testing the lightning coil the numbers went all over the place...swapped out the stator prob fixed...lesson learned = wiggle wires when ohm testing because the wires are part of the equation...
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My home away from home.
Also just for grins double check your ground with that hot connection. It shouldn't get hot. Jump On It ^^^ Makes sense on the stator connection. Mine disconnected far enough, that it didn't work at all. But if yours is close it may be giving you that spastic reading.


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at peace
The ground terminal is probably bad - likely corroded wires inside the crimp. That's why it's getting hot.


Arlington TX
The ground terminal is probably bad - likely corroded wires inside the crimp. That's why it's getting hot.

Ok, i'll test/replace it.

Any thoughts on the video/ meter reading? If not i'll throw the other regualtor I have in the ebox (its already apart) and see if something different happens.
Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions thus far!


Arlington TX
No, Easter ate up my entire weekend. I rode my working ski on Friday afternoon though.

I'll swap the other regulator I have in and see how it measures. Thanks for checking!
Did u ohm lighting close to 1.2 and flex stator wires end to end during ohm test ? See post # 12 above...
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