Super Jet No fuel to primer


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new jersey
I eliminated the on/off selec and switched the stock primer with the bulb push-button type from jetmaniac. After much research I thought I knew how to route the lines properly ( ski was apart all winter) but I cant get fuel when I pump it.

The reserve fuel pick up has been extended so its even with primary p/u inside gas tank. Reserve line goes from tank to primer (angle barb) . Then primer (straight barb) in blue tubing goes to tee fitting which goes to each carb. Primary fuel line from gas tank goes directly to fitting on most rear carb ( nearest bulkhead--my finger is on it).

I'm getting gas on reserve line up to bulb ( i sucked on tube to check) and there was fuel in primary fuel line at carb when I took it off and checked.

This is the first time I'm starting (or trying) the ski since last year when all was well. I installed new plugs but it just cranks, no fire.

Do I need to prime the tube from bulb to carb to get it started?


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new jersey
Well I sprayed some fuel mix into cylinders and she fired up. Should I just cap off the reserve fuel p/u and tee into primary fuel in line for the primer?
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