Custom/Hybrid No spark on a new msd total loss pro digital ignition

Have you disconnected power from it to let it reset, then tried it again? I had trouble with mine at first trying to get the right switch combination. The electric start and start retard switches were throwing me off.


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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Which coil grommet gets grounded? I think it's the silver one, but not sure. I had this issue last year and I think I had the brass grommet grounded and was told that was wrong. My issue turned out to be a faulty channel from brain though.


Melbourne FL
If you switched coil plugs and the other works than your coils are good. Check you pick ups

i think he ment he switched the plug wires around meaning only the one coils is producing spark so the coil that was on the back plug is now on the front plug and now the front plug isnt firing meaning the one coil isnt getting power/spark ?


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
No. short the pickup wires at the connector (a long staple works great) and see if you can get spark on each side.


I forgot!
The green pick up wires from the flywheel cover should connect to twin yellows as a cylinder and two more green wires connect to twin browns or orange. You need to jump the twin yellows together quickly for a second and then the twin browns or orange. The s4 needs to be set to run engine mode and not test.


Hmm not being an expert here, but is it possible that a channel got fried?
Isnt it possible to try the 3. channel? I mean, if its setup up to fire at 1 and 2, couldnt it be setup to 2 and 3?
Sounds pretty :):):):)ty, and i got a brand new system laying ready to be installed within 1 month :/
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