

Getting too many complaints about the noise of my ski from locals, will blocking/removing my front exhaust make a big difference in the noise it makes. Its a superjet with an x-metal waterbox and Bpipe..




Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Yes - the noise is a combination of the water box and front exhaust outlet. Blocking it off will certainly help. Another way is to run the water box wetter - make sure you have plenty of flow into it from the B-Pipe stinger. It'll still be loud though, even with plenty of water.


YES...everyone looks at my ski w/ disgust (it has nose exhaust split) and no one even looks twice at anyone elses...
Its split, I will run it all out the back and block front up, just hope it makes a big difference to the noise level. Sick of people coming on to the beach to moan at me.
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you know I think people will complain about it regardless of if its got front exhaust or not...some people just don;t care for skis on the water and will look for anything to complain about. if its not the noise it wil be something else...end of my rant.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
I was complained at once for loud ski. "You need to go somewhere else your seadoo is too loud." I looked over at their screaming kids; "Yeah, you guys might wanna go somewhere else, the screaming is really hurting my ears."

He walked off.

People constantly will find something to complain about. I was praticing for a comp one time and a guy came and screamed at me for "showing off" and being too close to his kids, which I was OUTSIDE the barge channel marker.

They'll call the DNR to me atleast once a week and he comes up, sees its me, we BS for a little while and i start hitting his wake when he leaves. He understands I'm more then a regular rider and lets me pratice all I want.


makin' legs

Getting too many complaints about the noise of my ski from locals, will blocking/removing my front exhaust make a big difference in the noise it makes. Its a superjet with an x-metal waterbox and Bpipe.



There's the problem. Take that loud POS out and replace with a stock box. You'll make more power and will be not be a nuisance to everyone.



I've got the glow
Site Supporter
I think I see the problem:

You're running the second to loudest ski (FX-1 being the loudest)
You're running the loudest waterbox
and exiting it in the loudest location.

Start with your front exhaust, then move to that waterbox.
I would like to head butt anybody who complains to me, but due to this island i live on and the fact that it is so small, and what i do for a living, i would not get away with it...

I will remove front exhaust, and if people still moan then they will be told to piss off.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
I would like to head butt anybody who complains to me, but due to this island i live on and the fact that it is so small, and what i do for a living, i would not get away with it...

I will remove front exhaust, and if people still moan then they will be told to piss off.

You might want to try just going back to a stock waterbox first: a front exhaust outlet is a great thing to have. I'm sure you could pick up a used stocker somewhere, but them you'll need a T piece too. You can get one braised together if you know a plumber....
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