Not as negative as you might think


Born in USA(not Kenya)
Lot's of talk on here lately about how negative this site is. I just looked at the marketplace feedback...

negative threads = 71

positive threads = 477

Seems we are much more ready to throw a compliment out than a complaint.
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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
negative threads will always bring out the people who like to stir the pot........

maybe we will have to start censoring those threads??? delete the BS post, what you all think??


New York Crew
Western New York
perhaps on a negative post the only other user that should be allowed to post is the person whom the negative feedback is posted about. A retort to the complaint. No jumping on the band waggon if you will...

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Or at least only personal experience, factual posts, no "I heard", "he said", garbage. No screaming tirades, name calling, BS. Just the facts, ma'am, just the facts. If you KNOW something and can back it up, feel free to post it. If you just have an opinion, keep it to yourself.

Oh, and thanks for the positive thoughts, Kunta, I think I needed that today.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
Only the people involved in the transaction that the feedback is about (ie, buyer and seller) should be allowed to post.


Hooked on the Jamz
Only the people involved in the transaction that the feedback is about (ie, buyer and seller) should be allowed to post.

I disagree for a couple reasons....

If that were the case there would the 300 threads about guys like Courtney instead of one long one.Sometimes, sellers and/or buyers screw multiple people over.

Other times the peer pressure of guys on the forum saying "do the right thing" is helpful as well.

Nice idea... but not realistic... IMO

And I agree with Kaveman. The threads about negative feedback are obviously longer than the positive ones but it is apparent that the people here are not as quick to post negative feedback as they are to post positive feedback.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
I disagree for a couple reasons....

If that were the case there would the 300 threads about guys like Courtney instead of one long one.Sometimes, sellers and/or buyers screw multiple people over.

Other times the peer pressure of guys on the forum saying "do the right thing" is helpful as well.

Nice idea... but not realistic... IMO

The person in question could PM a moderator, tell him of his dealings, and then be allowed to post.

IMHO, the peanut gallery is what drives and/or feeds the negativity.
I agree with you all about only allowing the 2 parties to post in the negative feedback thread, but what do you do when there are other people who have also had legitimate problems with that company? Should they also start a new negative feedback thread for that company? Not trying to stir the pot, just playing devils advocate and thinking ahead.


Katie's Boss
100% one place
I have an idea.:fing02: (IMO) it’s kind of like listening to the radio if you don’t like a certain station don’t tune into it.


Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
IMO parties that are directly involved should be the only ones posting, if you have delt with the person in a good way or bad way, you should be allowed to post, but Joe Blow who feels that they need to jump in to "Stir the Pot", by saying "Dude, you need to man up and do the right thing" has no business here. Neither should any member just make post where all they do is post the "PopCorn", there seems to be a few regular members who tend to do this anytime there is a heated conversation going........ All that person is doing is adding to the NEGATIVITY........


Mesquite, Texas
negative threads will always bring out the people who like to stir the pot........

maybe we will have to start censoring those threads??? delete the BS post, what you all think??

i agree, if you have not dealt with the person/company then it could be deleted. only first hand problems, like odd duck said no i was told by so n so and they heard it from so n so.

good idea bk.
IMO parties that are directly involved should be the only ones posting, if you have delt with the person in a good way or bad way, you should be allowed to post, but Joe Blow who feels that they need to jump in to "Stir the Pot", by saying "Dude, you need to man up and do the right thing" has no business here. Neither should any member just make post where all they do is post the "PopCorn", there seems to be a few regular members who tend to do this anytime there is a heated conversation going........ All that person is doing is adding to the NEGATIVITY........

Hey Harrison that sounds like the best idea to me. The mods should just keep an eye on the threads and as soon as you all see the BS and side comments being posted just delete those individual posts. Like you said only the parties directly involved should be allowed to post. I'm sure you all will get some flak for it from the person having their post deleted, but for the most part I think everyone on this site will appreciate it.

In fact I would start a Poll and post your new set of guidelines for posting negative feedbacks and what will happen if you stir the pot. Let the members vote on whether they like it or not which I'm pretty sure the vast majority will like it and then just refer someone who gets mad later on down the road to that thread.

Just an idea.:biggthumpup:

The Penguin

triple secret probation
I'm of the opinion that only the complainer and the complainee should post in a negative thread.

There are always going to be the "blowsionettes" and "waterdawgettes" that will defend a company whether they actually screwed someone over or not.

In real life - I would rather hear from dissatisfied customers - you learn from them how to improve your business more than from the satisfied customers.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Buyer/Seller Feedback - NEGATIVE Be respectful and factual in this forum. No bashfests or slander will be tolerated.

This is at the top of the page, It covers it all basically, not that people read it.
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