note to self, dont do subs in shallow water



i can verify the 20 foot sub. my first real sub i got a little exited and went in at a 90 degree angle. i hit the bottom (not hard) nose first in 17 feet. if you look at it this way, you get 7 feet + nose to stern from the ski alone. that and a WOT and bottom is not that far away.

I have dropped from 20ft straight down into a sub and have only gotten 10-12ft... I doubt it was 20ft, but you may have gotten 10ft


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I did what I thought was a really deep sub a few times before with the throttle pinned. After a few seconds the engine had consumed most of the oxygen/air out of the engine compartment and the ski lost all its power. Now I imagine there was more air still in the engine compartment since it didn't completely die and sink but the ski just died. I don't see how 20 ft is possible. That is deep!


when i first got my sj i was learning to do subs and one of the first ones i did i went in at about a 75deg angle..the water pinned the throttle back and the thing went strait for the bottom...i lost sight of it at about 8feet when i let go (the throttle was still pinned)..i floated back up and my ski was gone!! surfaced about 10 sec later..i thought it wasnt coming must have gone wot until it ran out of air...
I hit the bottom in 10+ feet yesterday. I've been trying subs with left foot forward in the strap and the giving it gas under water till my ski runs out of air.
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