O ring question


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I just bought a used Pro-Tec Recreation Head for my 650. It came with O-rings but they are used and want to purchase new ones. I checked Pro-tec's site but they have a $20 min. order:shooter3:

Does anyone know what size rings I need and where I can get them other than Pro Tec? Thanks!


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Will def. do that....do most people change the plugs with an aftermarket head? Also, since the head doesn't use a gasket, just RTV, is there a recommended amount to put on? I assume it is a small bead around the water jackets...

Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
Protec repeatedly told me this head uses the -153 oring but they do not fit my head. The -043's I have listed in the thread yamacat linked do fit and I am now successfully running them. I don't know if I have a one-off head or if they are off their rocker or what but the -153's were way to big for me. During this whole debacle I asked if the 650 head took the same oring and they said it did. They suggest you seal the outside of the water jacket with permatex ultra-black, while the oring seals the inner portion. I imagine any type of sealer that can hold up to the heat will work.


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I just called and talked to them about the o-rings. If the are where the o ring goes is about the thickness of a quarter then you use the small ones. If it is larger than you use the larger ones. What size was the space on your head??


Always On
With any aftermarket head I was told by a certain company always use the br8es plugs (yamaha only kawi may be diff)

Dustin Mustangs

uʍop ǝpıs dn
Holland, MI
Yeah, that's the right plug. My head is on my ski and I never tried to stick a quarter in it. I measured it at right around 2mm tho. I'm surprised they didn't clue me in on that little tid-bit with all the talking to them I did. I guess it just depends who you get on the phone...
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