Oem SXR intake grates needed

long beach local

long beach local
I’m looking for 2 oem Kawi SXR intake grates. I need 2 to cut and weld back together for my proforce ski as another stock replacement is well just unobtainable . Any one have one laying around from a takeoff let me know Thanks

long beach local

long beach local
I have this one

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Thanks but that won’t work. I need 2 oem plates to cut both in half and weld back together as my ski intake in about 1 1/2“ longer than a stock sxr grate. Kinda a custom 1 off deal. Going to call Prowatercraft see if they can help Monday. But I think they redesigned their intake and don’t make ‘em in stainless anymore as my Proforce is a Gen 1. Damn that intake is trashed hate to see the prop
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