so, have not seen any mention of this new Waterdawg Kustums hull that was suppose to be raffled off and unveiled........ what the deal?
It was unveiled and raffled off. The guy who won it has a REV on order too.
so, have not seen any mention of this new Waterdawg Kustums hull that was suppose to be raffled off and unveiled........ what the deal?
It was unveiled and raffled off. The guy who won it has a REV on order too.
It was unveiled and raffled off. The guy who won it has a REV on order too.
Where are the pics and details?!?
no pics??
Thanks Boris, Its been a long year of hard work. Everybody thought the ski looked amazing. The few who rode it couldn't believe it.Trinity, the ski looks great.
What a difference a day makes, last year it was just the hood and look at you now.
What happened to pete?