official Ozarks Invasion sponsor thread

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1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
ADD ANOTHER ! WOW!!! you need to check out this web sight. FuelLines biz has such a great selection, and you know we like "bling" on our skis, motorcycles, snowmobiles ect. Some lucky riders we be going home from the Ozark Invasion with a line kit. I'ld like to thank fuellines biz for donating such a cool attendance prize!


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
Thats awesome. I've got some more toxic green from merlin coming for my sxi.

Lou have merlin send me a .jpg or a pic of what he wants for his spot on the back of the shirts for sponsors. I'll need to get all sponsor logos in to my screen printer by the middle of next week. That also goes for all sponsors that want to be on the back of the shirts.


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
Add !!! John just confirmed he's sending a variety of attendence prizes. We all have Blowsion parts on our skies. I'ld like to thank those guys for showing enthusiasm towards LOTO Invasion !

Dubs chops

livintit dot com
lou. i wont be abn official sponser just in case something happens and i dont have time. But i am going to tray and make some decals. Would the majority of you guys want them for your ski's or vehichles? and what would you be interested in?


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
I don't think I got the XFT logo. If I did I sent it to my printer. I'll check with him. We need to update the list of sponsors to be sure I have everyone that is involved.


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
ALL the sponcers swag is here!!!. I hope I dont row the suv the highway would look like a yard sale. I'll have free, one per member, official tickets by name, for the Sat night drawing. I will have a special 10 x 20 with lights canapy in camp area 3. You cant miss it next to the palm tree and American flag.
Can you buy extra tickets? Where does the extra money go? What am I going to take home with me? Other than a STD like last time...

OK just kidding on the STD...
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