Official pics/vids - daytona 2009


did anyone get any more pics of these skis? if so please pm me or post up... thank you!


pete, you were definitely going the biggest out there, from what i saw.:headbang:

Thank you...

To be honost with you.. Some times I cant tell. and I look at pics from everyone, to see what I am doing and others...

LIke I tried again for double roll, and pancaked.. that trick does not like me. :smashfreakB:

Its all good. great pics here already !

Cant wait for Nascensy, Ronny & French mag.

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
the orange fx1?

Dude, we sat and watched someone push that ski from dry sand into the surf, RUNNING....that thing must have pushed 1000 lbs of sand thru the pump

then did it again on the way back in!

was that you? :dunce::crazy:

probably was.....:icon16:
no that wasnt me... thanks anyway brent.. that was my buddy..

I woudnt let that dude within 100 ft of my boat!!!!!!!

Disclaimer.......not my Organge FX. I saw that too and couldn't believe it!

the whole st. aug crew was sitting on the driftwood seawall laughing our asses off....

Killer shredding this weekend JD...I enjoyed watching you the most of ANYONE!

your no handed reentrys were freaking sick sick sick :eek:mfg:


Heck that fx-1 is the only boat that ran without any problems all wknd!!!
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