SXR ok. Greenies nice t-shirt.


Zack Bright. I Thrash.
Site Supporter
Oceanside, CA are a bad hippie then!

i think thats a good thing right!? lol.

you know what would be a funny little story.... see if every person in the US rode a 2stroke jet ski..... at the same time.... would do as much damage as bp just did to the gulf.....

but its ok. america already forgot that happend.... sckrew jetski's!!!!!!!!!
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TigerCraft FV-PRO
ON the topic of wind generators, I was forwarded a research article a while back (can't find it at the moment). It basically said that wind is so unreliable (even where places are normally windy) that windmills can only ever be relied on as supplemental electricity. They will never replace coal/gas/nuclear.......

I read once that it takes like 20 or so year to pay for it self in electricity and i also read they break down a lot and they costs a :#:$:mad::) ton of money to fix.


"You want to increase the supply of gasoline in the United States? Ban jet skis. Every year across the United States huge numbers of Americans haul jet skis along the highways to the water's edge, and then ride their personal watercraft around in circles, annoying everyone in sight with the annoying, mosquito-like buzzing sound these machines make." - Irregular Times

"If you have ever heard their high-pitched whine or witnessed riders harass birds and marine animals, you understand the harm that personal watercraft, also known as jetskis, can bring to our waterways and our enjoyment of them. Nearly 100,000 of these so-called "thrillcraft" are sold each year, and more than one million jetskis are currently in use in the United States. They move at speeds that can exceed 65 miles per hour, leaving in their wake a host of environmental and safety problems." - BluewaterNetwork

"Sometimes we go somewhere for the day to get away from them. It gets on your nerves. It drives you nuts." - Janet Anderson of Lake Chauncey

"After reviewing the literature on both jet ski emissions and the health costs of air pollution, we have estimated that air pollution from jet skis imposes at least $240 million a year in health costs to Americans." - Drowning in Noise

"Jet skis are fundamentally different than conventional motorboats, which are still allowed and are consistent with other uses of the critical habitat area and state park. An extensive review of the scientific literature regarding impacts of jet skis on wildlife has revealed that the characteristics of jet ski use make these vessels more disruptive to wildlife than other types of watercraft. Scientific observations of jet skis cite high noise levels, high speeds, erratic movements, activity in shallow water, and the tendency to be operated in groups." - Frank Rue, Commissioner, Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Nothing like a bunch of couchers (especially the renters) giving our sport a horrible repuation and basically destroying it...
Like I said, I suspect hydroelectric power truly is green in the long run because of the sheer about of electricity produced and the reliable source of input energy. I'm told the jury is out on wind turbines.

But with that you create a new reservoir upstream that more than likely flooded some ducks house and the hippie peeps with be like "uuuhnnn that duck looks sad because his house is wet" Then the'll have little a brain explosion because they just realized that chevy volt they bought and charged up required power from that very duck saddening hydro damn. There is no perfect solution in a consumer based society, if people would just get their self righteous heads out of their green asses and stop worrying about something I do 1% of my time and care about the activities that actually matter then we would all be singing kumbaya..
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