Blaster Ok so blasters are not for everyone

Ok seems that maybe a blaster aint for me but i sure am giving it hell though for only my second time riding the thing. I have no problems with turning except for when i get leaned over too far and my knee catches the water and i bust my ass, Old sport bike habit i am trying to break myself of. I have no problem getting on from shallow water but man that thing just dont want me to get back on it from deep water. I had a easier time getting back up on the superjet after i fell my first time out on it.

My boss man the previous owner just keeps telling me to fire it up let it idle and climb up the back and go for the throttle then get situated on the seat.

Some folks say the side mount is easier and i tried it a few times but due to all the idiot boat traffic in the area i decided to just fire it up and enjoy the tug back to shore before i got run over. Hopped back on it and went right back to giving it hell.
I will say the little thing is a "Blast" to ride and i enjoyed reviving it from its poor running state that i claimed it from my bosses back yard.
If i can get on it and not act a fool on it i can ride it around till it runs out of gas but once i fall i have to get back to land to get back on. Maybe with a little more pratice i will figure out the side mount that would be nice. If not i will just give it back to my boss man and it will give his son something to ride and i will stick to jumping and submarining my big couch
you could try side mounting from shallow water like waist deep. that will help you learn. stand on the left side of the ski and turn the bars to the right and give it a handful of throttle.
the video of the side mount looks so easy and he is even doing it in fairly large waves. My neighbors over at my mothers house have a pond that is about 5 acres, white sand, and is filled with natural spring water its pretty much sky blue. No current, no waves, no crazy people in boats pulling tubes, kitchen tables, inflatable mattreses.

So from what i see is just float in the water next to the thing on the left, fire it up, apply throttle and tilt it away from you with the bars turned to the right and just gas on it and let your body swing up onto the deck with your knees and then shimmy up onto the seat. It sounds so freaking simple. I guess i will just have to try it and see if i can make it work.

I am deffinatly gonna go put it in the pond and try it in waist deep water at first. Its a fun little ride but i have to give it to the FX140 Cruiser for comfort but i do believe the blaster is gonna become my little river rat

Thanks for the info guys i will definatly make a attempt to put it in use


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
I disagree with the waist deep water suggestion, I don't think it helps you learn anything but getting drug around.

I either board in deep water and side mount or from shallow water where I can step on the back.
Maybe i will take it up the river today and i can find a nice quiet spot that way i can fall off and if i cant get back on i dont have far to go to back to shore. I am supposed to be going to look at a truck today so maybe it will be a good day and i can come up with a truck to pull the blaster to the water and learn to side mount the blaster lol
I had the same problem when I got my B1. Being that I ride in the surf a lot, I needed to master the side mount. Let em say this, once you do it once, it will be a breeze the rest of the time. A few pointers that work for me:

When you are on the left side floating in the water, make sure your right armpit is on the seat and kick your legs a little when slamming the throttle wide open. If all works well, the ski will go right under you. I showed my buddy today on the lake and he got it down in just a few attempts.

Good luck and enjoy that Blaster.


freeride junkie
north palm beach
Dont give up !! I have seen some real ''old'' guys rip those things in the surf !

hey! i resemble that remark!!! lol..
ive had my blaster for at least five years now, i still have a hard time side mounting it. most of the time i just swim around to the back while its running, stay low on the ski, throttle up and climb on. i find if i stay on my knees on the transom its easier to get going.
the key is to throttle it once you set the rail into the turn. if it starts to go over too far you should be able to grab a handleful of gas and it will pull you out
by far the most fun ive ever had on a ski. ive rode standups for years before i broke my back. then got into the blaster and love it. keep it up, you'll get addicted!
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believe me i am already addicted. It is awesome that i got to start riding a blaster that already had a factory pipe, single SBN 44 that was taper bored, ported cases, sponsons, intake grate and ride plate all for about $90. I love the little thing, it is way too easy to jump i have started off small jumping boat wakes, well i say small their like 4 footers.
The litle blaster though just launches and flies straight and true slightly ass down, it seems to want to get a little squirly on landings sometimes kinda like it wants to spit out from under ya but other than that i love the thing, just gotta master that side mount cause i am too fat to be climbing up the back lol.
Its Got a few little nicks and scratches that i want to repair so it will prob get torn down this winter and pro painted and i think i am gonna go withs something along this theme

it will be that and i believe it is honestly the only running blaster left down here. But yea ever since the waterbox exploded from the only thing we can figure out was the riva purple CDI was acting all weird. When the water box went off it landed on the roof of my house and i was rolling in laughter, scored one on ebay for $50 stuck in a 6M6 Cdi and nice big hot spark that jumps the gap almost too well, and runs beautifully now. Ever since the water box Exploded i thought of that sticker if it dont get painted the waterbox is gonna at least get a bunch of those Explosives stickers on it lol.

I cant wait to get back out on the water, sad thing is I am about 3 mins from 4 different boat launches depending on what i wanna ride Pure salt, Brackish, fresh brakish line, or straight fresh water.

Another question though does anyone have a PDF of the Blaster 1 93' Owners manual. I kinda have this thing about reading the owners manual never know what kind of interesting info is in one of those things.

Thanks for the help guys
To add to what extreme said about coming out of a railed turn - turn bars opposite of turn and then more throttle.
Seen many newbies get stuck in the perpetual turn syndrome until they fall over.

Sidemounts are hard to learn and even harder to be able to do it from both sides which is a necessity in big surf and sometimes you can't choose which side you fall over.
In the midst of teaching the old lady to do it and I see this with others.... You MUST have a sharp hitting motor on the low end, keep the bars locked hardover AND cannot be shy with the throttle - it's one of those semi-violent moves that you have to commit to fully.
Another tip is if your arms are long enough and you have a burbling motor is to tip it over to where the pump is unloaded, rev it up and tip the ski back upright (all while keeping throttle and bars pegged) - sorta like doing a neutral drop in your car.
we had the 6M6 sitting on the shelf, Blaster hits HARD off the bottom end, i got the dieing at idle thing figured out just needed the idle bumped up a tad.
The ski was set up for bouy racing so its just instant pure acceleration, not too much top end i would say maybe 40 mph tapped out. but out of the hole its a arm straightner. I think i am just gonna not fall off of it lol. Around here we have No surf at all, biggest thing that washes ashore here is about 1 foot if you want anything bigger you have to travel out 11 miles to the south side of the islands then you get into 8 feet or more but they are kinda random you never know when they are gonna break and they will all of a sudden start and you set up to launch off of it and it just disappears like it was never there. I am gonna get up on the river one day where i can pratice my side mounts. I am just gonna get on it and fall off of it, atttempt the side mount and if it works just repeat it untill i can do it in my sleep with the bed


Napkins..I fly a Starship
Don't let it get you discouraged, I'm 6ft, 230lbs! All I do is ride in the surf. I mount from the rear after falling. I have a extra long laynard and my idle is kicked up. Don't EVER let go, no matter what. I learned to mount in a private lake in my back yard.

Tyler Zane

Open Your Eyes
i wanna get my seat shaved to lower down that huge hump in the back. that might be a good mod for you bigger guys so you can get on it. my buddy has one thats flat decked and its so easy to jump on. you dont have the seat all in your face when mounting.
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