old cyclones vs. New cylones

after a day of riding in erics's new footholds i feel i cant walk correctly the next day...i may have them too tight because i have a bruise almost after every ride on the top of my foot (been in them for 3 years)

they are great holds but dang i hate those bruises

Ive ridden in some of his old style holds which wamiltons sells and i thought they were pretty dang cool when i stuck my foot in one

give me your opinions and if ya have some old styles ya dont want let me know
yea i bought them off of eric one day out at his shop like 3 yrs ago
they are deep but the tops of my feet feel like crap the next day lol


Louisville, Ky
Eric ride with aqua shoes. If you ride with wrestling shoes or bare feet get Waterdawgs REVs. I had the problem you are illustrating with the old cyclones and 24/7 universals. The rev's are so much nicer IMO.
Revs....nahhh never worst design possible imo
im talking straight cyclones
no wcf , blowsion, trinity, WDK
i need opinoins on old cyclones
they were the best around back in the day
revs....nahhh never worst design possible imo
im talking straight cyclones
no wcf , blowsion, trinity, wdk
i need opinoins on old cyclones
they were the best around back in the day

i have new cyclones in my wammer hull and they dont leave my feet a mess. Maybe ur laces on your shoes are causing the prob. Did you get new shoes?


Katie's Boss
100% one place
I got sore feet from water dogs that speedfreak had and had sore feet from mine.
Now I run XFT and they are like sliding your food into a cloud.

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