Old Dog...New Tricks?


World's Oldest Teenager
San Diego, CA.
Indulge me here, if you will.

I'm stressing out about possibly getting on one of these new fangled, shorty hulls.


I'm old school (and really old), as well.

80% of my bag of tricks is dinosaur stuff. Hood tricks, Monkey jumps, stabbage, power 360's, hood subs, flip subs, etc. Hell, I spend half of my day under water.

My old '97 hull has served me well and riding it is like slipping on a pair of comfy, old slippers. She's a bit heavy, scuppers are leaking, and the foam is wet. But, she's still got some life in her if I go through it this winter.

Or, I've been trying to sell myself on the idea of getting an aftermarket hull, biting the bullet... and just trying out some new stuff.

But, the conumdrum, is that I still love doing my ancient tricks. The big question is...IS it worth giving up all ,if not most of that stuff.... just to be on a lighter, shorter hull?

If you're reading this...I'd like to hear from some of the older guys that know me and my riding style (John Kaser, Bobby Biggs, Rick Roy, Mark the Shark, ParrDadster, etc.) Or, anyone else that has been down this road before.

What do you chaps think? Can an old coot like me, adapt to this new fangled sheet?

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/26043148?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/26043148">4th of July 2011</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user2905966">Steve Gordenker</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/26011154?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/26011154">Flip Sub</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user2905966">Steve Gordenker</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/26011504?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/26011504">Monkey Jump</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user2905966">Steve Gordenker</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>





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whoomp there it is!
Umeå, Sweden
have nothing to say about the artermarket vs stock cause i cant do those tricks. i just have to say.

WICKED riding. man what would i give to be able to do tricks. so sweet. pure riding skills vs those big motor light hull backflips.


Be About It!
Wichita, KS
have nothing to say about the artermarket vs stock cause i cant do those tricks. i just have to say.

WICKED riding. man what would i give to be able to do tricks. so sweet. pure riding skills vs those big motor light hull backflips.

I cant do those either, but i would think that you could go to an aftermarket just so you have the choice of more trick options if you wanted. You could still be good for the old stuff and still the option of new tricks


Katie's Boss
100% one place
So you need to ask yourself what will the new short hull give you, a back flip? Is a back flip worth that much money? I have always enjoyed watching old school riding and tricks. Routines today are so boring back flip after back flip 6 rolls is a row and then more back flips. I say rock the old hull and have fun, most of the people these days with the big motors and short hulls can’t do any of the tricks you are talking about.




steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
So you need to ask yourself what will the new short hull give you, a back flip? Is a back flip worth that much money? I have always enjoyed watching old school riding and tricks. Routines today are so boring back flip after back flip 6 rolls is a row and then more back flips. I say rock the old hull and have fun, most of the people these days with the big motors and short hulls can’t do any of the tricks you are talking about.



Yah, I pretty much agree with that.
Sounds like you enjoy your old RN just fine. You can do most of those tricks with an aftermarket hull, but why?


I forgot!
It may put the learning curve back into your riding for a while. learning to ride a new setup is cool IMO. I like AM hulls and love the superjet. Superjets are pretty good skis with some proper mods. shortening the hull is a handling mod and not just for backflips so maybe consider that. You don't look like a huge fatty so a shorter hull could work very good for you. If you get a AM hull what catches your fancy?
Great riding. I love the new huge power/ big back flip/ under flip etc. but there definitely used to be much more variety. I am pretty much old school, but this summer I got a Rickter FS1 and am trying to adapt my old stuff to an AM hull (and hopefully move into more "modern" tricks) I have found the biggest difference is around the handlepole. The new one is much shorter and more forward. Monkey jump is alot harder as is the rodeo. The hull also has a different center of gravity (to be expected). The hull feels a lot more nimble and lighter (my SJ was water-logged also). I am however having a good time adapting. I would reccomend this hull, but I wouldn't think you'd be happy with a "pure" back flip hull (BOB, XFS, etc.) From your pics I'm guessing you're Steve Gordenker (sorry if misspelled). If I'm right you have mad skills, you'll be awesome on whatever you ride.
i have just as much fun doing fountains, turnsubs, tailstands, jump subs, than anything, got stock rn hull, stock hood. still would like to try a barrel roll, just not sure if im able to with the heavy stock hull.


Jace Forest...BRAP!
I love all old school tricks, your list of tricks is the same as mine. I figured I could adapt my riding style to a short hull(bob hull) and to be honest it's no the same. Granted I have only been riding the bob for a month and a half or so. A light hull will do you good an with a couple inches cut off the bottom you can still do all the old school tricks but being way to short sucks! Also these skis with no bond rail around the nose suck. I wanted a backflip hull cause I was getting tired of jus old school tricks but as of now I am seriously contemplating going back to a sj style hull. A kong hull is starting to look real good to me right about now. Lighter, stronger and a little shorter sounds perfect
West Oz
Mabe stick with the superjet but go carbon!, all the same stuff but lighter, and with a big motor you could flip and hood trick! Just a thought
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World's Oldest Teenager
San Diego, CA.
Thanks for the replies...helps give me some things to mull over.

I have a few test rides lined up in the next few months...Roo's Superfreak, Tem's boat (if he brings it to Havasu), Watercraft Factory's Vision (if he brings it to Havasu), and Xscream's Kong.

I'll just keep an open mind and hope that the short time I spend on each can give me a clearer idea of what will work for me.

From what I've been told, the majority of these new shorty hulls don't really play well going underwater at all. Some, I've spoken with, have said that typically, hulls with the short, stubby noses and copious rocker are downright stubborn when it comes to getting the nose under. I guess it makes sense though. Most of theses things seem purpose built to ride nose high, and get into proper position real quick, for backflipping.

Don't get me wrong...I think that today's boats are insane and it's so impressive to watch the display of raw, unadulterated power and amplitude these things are capable of.

I just think I would get bored if I had to trade my riding style in on a boat that is really only good for a handful of arial moves.

If I'm going to drop the coin for an aftermarket hull, losing 40 -60 pounds is the first priorty.
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