on-line makai reviews....funny as HELL!

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Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
I've heard that a water box can make a pretty decent sized hole in the wall when you get a backfire while starting your ski in your room... :Banane01:


Official Beach Bitch
hahaha that's awesome...........maybe they'll get more interesting reviews after the '07 ride :wink:


Backflip, weeee
Marietta, GA.
:haha: :haha: :haha: I was absolutely thinking the same thing! I bet we will see a few more of these bad boys later in Jan after we get done with the Hotel :sneaky: :beerchug:


it aint the ritz..... but, do we really belong at the ritz????

:biggthumpup: The makai is a fine establishment...
69$ oceanfront... you do the math
it aint the ritz..... but, do we really belong at the ritz????

:biggthumpup: The makai is a fine establishment...
69$ oceanfront... you do the math

You get bad reviews of The Ritz on trip advisor also. Like you said Nick $69 oceanfront= cool by me:Banane01:

As long as the heater in the room works
lol....i was ROLLING on the floor laughing last night about the maintenance man that first ate a snack on the bed, then patched the hole in the wall with a styrofoam plate

first thing I looked for was the date of the reviews....mmm, february perhaps? :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

IMO the makai is great.......Like Nick said 69night oceanfront = cool by ME!
Yeah - I saw that when I was looking for the address and wondered the same thing....phucking jet-skiers! LOL!

As long as there's hot water, no rancid/heavy cigg smoke odor, and no old pecker tracks on my sheets, I'm good to go.


Yeah - I saw that when I was looking for the address and wondered the same thing....phucking jet-skiers! LOL!

As long as there's hot water, no rancid/heavy cigg smoke odor, and no old pecker tracks on my sheets, I'm good to go.

what about snail tracks????

:purr: :purr:


...yet somehow you didn't like my xh20 joke! :banghead:

good point.... I never said I was funny, I just implied you weren't


mr. I can't talk now, I'm too important... yeah sure....
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