on-line makai reviews....funny as HELL!

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Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
that vid will be your demise......unless rockstar gets me the one he promised from last years ride...

the demons FIRST standup ride.........who's ski was that on BTW?
I have the only copy of that left. I'm not spreading it around either.

I will be vindicated at daytona!!!!!!!!


Why Me?
The Atl
Yeah - I saw that when I was looking for the address and wondered the same thing....phucking jet-skiers! LOL!

As long as there's hot water, no rancid/heavy cigg smoke odor, and no old pecker tracks on my sheets, I'm good to go.

So if there are somewhat fresh or newer pecker tracks on the sheets,you are ok with that????

You never know what the construction guys are doing on there lunch breaks....
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