once thought my ski was waterlogged until i pulled the mid-shaft to my surprise ........

for the longest time since i got the ski basically, i would notice drips from where the drive shaft goes into the mid-shaft for days even weeks after not riding so much that the aluminum on my ski cart was rusting in that spot under the ski. i thought my ski was water logged and could not find out why it was dripping so long after ridding finally since the weather has been bad i decided to pull the mid-shaft to see what was up and when i did water like a cup came splashing out also i will add some pics that show where the water line is of the water that's gets trapped in there now u can actually see a line where the water is trapped inside and unless i stand the ski straight up that water is not going anywhere, is this normal or am i missing something that prevents the water from getting trapped between the mid-shaft and the what ever that spot is called , drive shaft tunnel idk??? I'm sure my mid-shaft needs to be rebuilt cause when i turn it i can hear water squishing about in between the shaft and gaskets inside where the bearing's are , but what would keep from this happening again ? I've looked with a flash light down my drive shaft and i can see that there is nothing there preventing water getting into that area. i thank you ahead of time . if that's how it is supposed be than so be it, but i cant imagen that having no way to prevent or remove the water especially salt water is a good thing.


Billy Racing
I think I had a similar problem. I made a post about it with some pictures, check it out if you want. What I ended up doing in my case was sealing that spot where the driveshaft goes into the hull with 5200 marine adhesive. That's where my ski was dripping from, but this seemed to help I haven't noticed a drip since.

long beach local

long beach local
I think that maybe your tray IS waterlogged. Do you have footholds?maybe there cracked and leaking and the foam is soaked full and coming in ,out around the driveshaft tube. That tube is open from the pump and water can enter but if it keeps dripping it’s probably coming from the tray. My .02 You definitely need to rebuild that midshaft. You probably beat that ski up in the surf and it leaks. Good for You have fun.

my guess it is coming in from here

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The driveshaft seals inside the mid shaft with O-rings, the mid housing seals to the hull. All superjets have a wet cavity behind the mid housing. It is usually full of sand that gets scooped into the splines whenever the pump is removed and reinstalled. Its the real reason splines go bad. You have to pull the mid shaft and clean everything to insure this doesnt happen.
thanks every one who replied. now there was water inside where the drive shaft enters the mid shaft where the splines are. Are those 0 rings replaceable inside` the mid? how would i remove and replace them if they are? so it normal for water to be getting behind the mid-shaft housing as long as its sealed and not coming through into the hull?


Karma Enforcer
West Michigan
O rings are replaceable in midshaft, there are 2. Use a pick tool to replace them. You can get water sand out of driveshaft tube after riding by raising nose of ski and shoot water into the tube from pump cavity. Normal for water to be in the hull driveshaft tube, im guessing your midshaft housing wasnt sealed to firewall perfectly, i can see someone used rtv glue to seal the midshaft housing to hull, which is common, yours just wasnt sealed 100% allowing water to drip into engine compartment.


Sandy Eggo

"i will add some pics that show where the water line is of the water that's gets trapped in there now u can actually see a line where the water is trapped inside and unless i stand the ski straight up that water is not going anywhere, is this normal or am i missing something that prevents the water from getting trapped between the mid-shaft and the what ever that spot is called"

This is normal, frustrating design right!

there is no seal in the assembly to prevent this; all you can do is blast the driveshaft tube with fresh water when you have access.

I hate yamaha drivelines, kawi driveline lasts way longer between service in my experience.

MY sj's and my waveblaster are all this way, couches are the only exception that I know of.
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