One way valve in exhaust? (WDK wet pipe)

I had much problem with water intrusion, its the main reason i'm not running a 66e now. They are wicked loud without a waterbox anyway. I had a exhaust tube that had a rise in it also, didnt work. I positioned the chamber differently, didnt work. I think the cooling lines keep flowing a bit after the motor dies and causes half the water problems, it puddles in the chamber and when the ski's moved just right it runs straight into the exhaust ports which sit level with the chamber. The eme/baxter chamber comes with a silencer and it has a bend in it to help counter act the water coming straight up the exhaust tube, it is a true dry pipe and no cooling lines drain into the chamber. The stinger has a jetworks valve on it to stop the trickles of water

I wouldnt hold your breath for a new wdk drypipe, there isnt one. The two pipes out there that are claimed to be drypipes are not, they are single wall chambered pipes with the water injected right at the manifold, they are actually just the inner chamber of the elusive drypipe. However they are being promoted as the new "drypipe".

My opinion of 66e transplant, You can make it work with the wdk and baxters chambers, however if you are a recreational rider you will eventuallly be unhappy with the lack of waterbox and small gas tank. I have hope for Brandon 'Reeds new pipe. Being able to run a bpipe, waterbox and stock gastank has all the appeal to me of a true freeride ski. He is very close, knowing what i know now, Id wait for Brandon to be done


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A jetworks valve is a must on all these pipes.
More info on the new manifold please, looking for that header opening to be in the 56mm range
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This Is The Way
Staff member
When I talked to Brandon a month ago he said he was still 2+ months out on the headpipe, when I talked to Brandon a week ago, he said he was still 2+ months out on the headpipe. I want to be on the water in April and didn't want to take the risk of waiting for Brandon's pipe, miss out on the used WDK pipe and not be able to get on the water till June or something and miss half my season. Trust me I would WAY rather run Brandon's pipe, he makes nice stuff and its a great option but I would rather ride than hurry up and wait. Maybe next year I can buy his pipe. For now I will get a jetworks valve and a custom waterbox and hope for the best.
i can assure you that the wdk wetpipe is junk, however the manifold is still usuable. I played the game trying to deal with wdk's stuff, just letting you know my opinion. Its haste that left me with a crappy pipe.
I also found wdk not up to par, got a drypipe I made for it, still in testing phase, using the manifold, done a lot of porting on motor lately, still have to re-assemble.
Hull being reinforced with carbon-kevlar after some delamination issues.
The guy doing the work says he can build a hull lighter, stronger and cheaper than the SE hull(He used to build exotic cars that were exported so he should know what he is doing)
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This Is The Way
Staff member
Got the WDK pipe in last night, after looking at it I had an idea on the water intrusion issue. I think the fitting that injects the water into the chamber/coupler could be the problem. It shoots straight down into the manifold with a wide open fitting not directing the water any direction and when the motor is shut off the remaining water in the line would drain into the manifold and sit there due to no downard slope to the manifold...if the ski leans back and/or right the water flows back in. Like CarbonX2 said a FCV would help prevent excess water from flowing in but I think a water injection spray bar (directional fan sprayer) would help direct the flow into the pipe and make it more effective in covering more surface area to cool the pipe than just dumping water in. When Jeff designed the pipe/manifold he had the motor installed at an angle and that would help prevent the water from flowing back into the cylinders but when mounted flat there is very little restriction.
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This Is The Way
Staff member
you are supposed to run a carb jet in that fitting youre talking about.

That would still direct the flow directly down and nearly right into the exhaust ports with the injection fitting I can control the direction of flow and not just the volume.


This Is The Way
Staff member
Inject it from the bottom of the manifold. Alot of the water comes from the stinger.

Right now my plan is to run a jetworks FCV on both the manifold and the stinger so both stop spraying at low RPMs and hopefully some sort of small custom waterbox to trap any backflow from the exhaust tube.
Don't run fcv to manifold it will kill bottom-end power.
My new waterbox/ muffler, excuse the welding, it was my first time doing alu. Top cap will be get 4 cap-screws and sealer. It is 300mm high, inlet 60mm same as exhaust tube. Top pipe is inlet, luckily the exhaust tube in a X2 runs almost on the bottom of the hull so it will drain well.


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