Other Opinion on whether on getting a 750sx running is worth it

First post, so I hope this is in the right section.

Here is the deal. My dad had a 750 sx which he used for racing and just riding around on lake St. Clair which he sent in for repairs just before someone killed him in a car crash. (the last memories I have of him are riding on his ski at 5yrs)
My mom has no clue what he sent it in for, and when they dropped it off to us with the engine in a box(and all the other parts) we didn't do anything about it(when your husband dies you don't have energy to question them...).
Fast forward 12 years and garage cleaning time. It needs to get running, or needs to go.

So I took it and the box of parts to a guy who owns a shop which repairs jet ski's and asked for a estimate.

He says it looks like everything there in the box(though he can't say whether everything works) but there looks to be some rust in the crank. He said it might be light rust and he can clean it up and get it running or it might need a new crank for $500.
The jugs are in good shape, but the pistons might need to be replaced [$300]. $125 for seals and gaskets.
Estimates around 10hrs labour @ 65/h.
Rough total he is $1600 if both the crank and pistons are shot (if everything else works).

The ski does need to be repainted (there is a small amount of purple left which makes me shudder), but doesn't need any body work. [I can do the painting myself)

I found pistons on ebay for $50 each, and a kit with pistons and seals for $180 ( http://www.ebay.com/itm/KAWASAKI-75..._Watercraft_Parts&vxp=mtr&hash=item2a19a0efe1 )

Basically I want to know do you guys think this guy is over charging me?
Do you think it is worth dropping $1600 into this machine? It does have some sentimental significance to me... but it seems a lot [I am a student]

I would love to do this myself, but I don't know how the electronics work nor the carb...

No matter what keep it if you can, sounds like it was important and it all doesnt need to be done right now does it? It took me about 7 months to build my sxi slowly and I learned as I went...used engines can be had for about 500 ish, to rebuild a engine can get expensive, small amounts of rust can cause major damage in the long run...dont quote me on this but a top end kit should be about 250? but that can go up depending on what the cylinders need done...I havent looked into used cranks lately but maybe a rebuild would be a good idea but again who knows you may end up paying close to the price for a new crank..I just dont know on that one...Anyhow I would just determine your timeline on when you want it done first then go from there...I think 1600 is a bit much but if you think about paying him to rebuild the entire engine (new crank/top end kit/labor) he isnt to far off...again I would think about it and look around for now and decide the direction you want to go in and when you want it done...hope this helped?


One Of A K1nd
The Bay Area
I'm with 97Superjet. its got sentimental value, and its not like u need to have it running tomorrow. there is a wealth of knowledge on this site, and everyone is usually pretty helpful. i vote for keeping it, u can D/L a free shop manual online, it will give u all the technical data, and step by step instructions for doing just about anything to it. once u start tearing into it, ur find that they are pretty simple: motor-electrical box(start solenoid, coils, cdi...thats about it) gas tank, and pump assembly. i didn't know anything about my ski when i bought it... in 2 short years I've: Rebuilt the top end, rebuilt carbs, hi compression head, installed 2 different aftermarket pipes, cut, fiberglassed and fabricated a trim system, footholds, hydro turfed it twice.. and the list goes on. KEEP IT....
i vote keep it too! ask some questions here, and do the work yourself.. its way cheaper than paying someone to do it for you.

where are you located in southwestern ontario? if you end up keeping it and you get it running, bring it down to burlington beach! there are a bunch of us that usually go riding there almost every week.
Get some good quality pictures uploaded of the crank, cylinders, and pistons so we can help you out as much as possible. There is a link somewhere on this site where you can download the full service manual for free too.


JM781 Big Bore
Keep it. Either rebuild the motor yourself, or buy a used 750 motor. There are tons of them around. For $1600. you could buy a complete 750SX, so to pay that just to repair yours is way too much in my opinion. If I were in your shoes, I'd fix it myself. If I were your Dad, I'd be smiling down on you with pride as you fixed my old ski with your own hands and then rode the hell out if it.
Keep it. Either rebuild the motor yourself, or buy a used 750 motor. There are tons of them around. For $1600. you could buy a complete 750SX, so to pay that just to repair yours is way too much in my opinion. If I were in your shoes, I'd fix it myself. If I were your Dad, I'd be smiling down on you with pride as you fixed my old ski with your own hands and then rode the hell out if it.

X2, well said


River Rat
My guess would be he was sending it in for new rings, pistons, crank seals, true and weld crank etc. since he was racing it or it just grenaded.. If the engine came back torn down in a box something was up.. . So I would start with either rebulding it slowly or find another powerplant, drop it in and go wring it's neck.. If I was closer I'd help ya out.. I agree your dad would be quite happy that you rebuilt it and get some fun out of it.. I Wish I'd never sold my 93' 750 SX but the wrench to ride ratio was way off.. Ya could always pull a couple classes at a local tech college if ya have time and rebuild the engine there.. Just a thought... Good luck and Definately keep it in the family... J.
Okay, so I've been convinced to rebuild it myself… Though I'm daunted by the task of putting this back together. But I think I can accomplish it.

I downloaded a copy of the shop manual for this machine off mediafire, as the links on the forum gave me document not found. One thing about it is that the photos are in black and white. 97superjet is your manual black and white too? or is there colour?

So ironically I bumped into a guy who I haven't see in years, who used to race with my dad. I asked him if he knew why it was sent in.
He wasn't certain but he said he believed my dad sunk it and didn't get all the water out of the engine. He thought he sent it in because it wasn't starting and he was too busy with work to fix it. This friend wasn't sure however and might be wrong, but I'm inclined to believe him.

jetskidan: I'm just south of Detroit MI, by Windsor. (in a little town outside called Belle River) Though we do go camping in New York state almost every August, maybe I could take a extra side trip....

I'll get some pictures of the crank, pistons and jugs when I get it back. The guy I took it too kept it and said he would open it and take a quick look to see what was gone so he could give me a better estimate.

I do have a couple questions:

1) Here is a picture of the left handle bar, would I be correct to assume he built that switch himself and it is for the bilge? [I don't see that on/off switch on other pictures I've seen of 750s]

the reason why I think it is for the bilge is because of this:

2) I assume my first step should be to clean the engine bay up, any suggestions on what to use(power washer? old fashion hose and brush? chemical to degrime it?)

3) I'm assuming this flywheel is toast and is too much effort to clean up, would you guys concur? And if so, anywhere I should look for a new one? (ebay?)

4) The battery that came back with it doesn't work, other then going out and buying a new one, do you guys know of a method to test and see if the bendix works? (I used a car battery for the bilge pump, but I'm unsure if it is wise to do the same with the bendix)

5) What is this component? and is it normal for green liquid(like antifreeze) to come out when I tip it? http://imgur.com/1gEtl

6) It has a carb that says 'R & D racing', anything special about this part?

7) I took a rag to the head to get grease and the like off, any recommendations of products that will make degreasing easier? http://imgur.com/duT7Z

I think that is all I have for questions :)

(it is a '94 btw)
And a big thanks for the support :)
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That's an aftermarket bildge switch. I'd pull out everything that's left in the ski and pressure wash the shat out of it. If you have a jumper pack, you could test the bendix. And the unknown picture is a waterbox.
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That's an aftermarket bildge switch. I'd pull out everything that's left in the ski and pressure wash the shat out of it. If you have a jumper pack, you could test the bendix. And the unknown picture is a waterbox.
Okay, I wasn't sure what part it was(and haven't had time to flip through the manual and find out). Is it normal for the green liquid to becoming out?
Okay, I wasn't sure what part it was(and haven't had time to flip through the manual and find out). Is it normal for the green liquid to becoming out?

The green liquid is antifreeze from the last time it was winterized. It got into the exhaust because the used cooling water in the engine block gets partially dumped into the exhaust for performance and muffling of sound during normal operation. In your case when it was winterized antifreeze is poured through the cooling lines instead of water after the engine has been fogged (stabil fogging oil should have been used to keep the insides of the engine fresh) to keep the water left in the block from freezing and cracking the block.

Engine rebuilds on a jet ski aren't that difficult if you have a decent mechanical aptitude and can research/ask the right questions on this site, they only have 5 major moving parts :)
My manual is black and white also...sounds like you got a good start, its all about taking everything step by step and keeping your parts together...when I built my ski I just layed out everything I had and organized what I thought I knew into a few small boxes and put everything into a big box to keep track of it...also I had a box with about 20 zip lock bags in it, whenever I took off a part I wrote on the bag exactly where it went (even if you dont know the exact name or part) this worked super well for putting the ski back together, also I had a large bag of misc bolts that was useful to have too haha but just start by labeling/organizing things...I started where you are 6 months ago and had zero idea how a 750sx went together but you will learn as you go, sometimes it takes 3-4 times putting something together to see how it actually fits or will work with surrounding parts to get it right...a build can take some time and at times be frustrating to learn by yourself but it will be very rewarding in the end especially because this has alot of sentimental value to you, also if you need help we got your back..good luck amigo.
Okay, heres an update.
I located a guy willing to sell a 750 small pin from a 94 xi not far from home. Will it bolt right in? Same question applies to the stator.
As well he has an ebox from the same machine, will that work or would i need to modify it? (or acquire one right from a sx)

And what is the opinion on using dual carbs vs stock carb? worth ~$175? http://www.ebay.com/itm/kawasaki-75...Personal_Watercraft_Parts&hash=item4165f64ea7
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^Yes the small pin will bolt right up (to check what type of engine it is count the intake manifold bolts, big pin is 12, small pin is 10) The stator will also work, make sure you get compression numbers off that engine, should be 150/150 or within 5% of each other (ex 145/149 is ok) the point an engine needs a rebuild is somewhat debatable but my thought is below 130 is bad news bears, 140 per cylinder is still o.k. ..keep in mind different compression guages read slightly different...The ebox will work but will NOT bolt right up to the SX ebox position, if you dont have an sx ebox just keep an eye out for an sx/sxi ebox for sale around here or you might be able to swap internals from that XI ebox into an SX ebox but dont quote me on that... As far as the carbs I run dual carbs on my skis instead of single, some people run a single carb for ease of tuning.. Those carbs on ebay seem to be in good shape but I think they are overpriced (most things on ebay are).. go on PWCtoday.com and do some searching in the kawasaki parts section for some carb setups for your 750, I paid a little over a hundred for dual sudco keihin 42 race carbs (check out my build thread if you wanna see what im talking about)...anyhow just do some searching around as far as carb setups, its going to take you some time to get everything else ready to go into the ski so youve got a little bit of time....what does that guy want for this engine/ebox setup? Post here again before buying and we can help you out! Good luck bud!
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